Celebrate & Share Muslim Stories
Today and every day, we encourage you to share Muslim stories! To help out with that, we’ve compiled a list of book recommendations.
The Doomsday Detectives: How Walter and Luis Alvarez Solved the Mystery of Dinosaur Extinction
Father-son scientists Luis and Walter Alvarez piece together one of the greatest mysteries of all time: What really happened to the dinosaurs? Dive into this fun and informative middle grade nonfiction book, which outlines the many important scientific discoveries that aided the Alvarezes in their search for answers.
A Sky That Sings
Mia, a blind girl who enjoys identifying birds by their distinct calls and songs, leads her aunt through the park on a bird-listening adventure!
Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:
¡Tocamos! Mexican Folk Art Music Makers in English and Spanish
Young readers will delight in learning about a wide variety of musical instruments in English and Spanish through beautifully handcrafted sculptures from Oaxaca, Mexico.
Los lectores jóvenes se deleitarán aprendiendo sobre una amplia variedad de instrumentos musicales en inglés y español a través de bellas esculturas hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México.
Pedro's Yo-Yos
Discover the backstory of one of America's favorite toys, the yo-yo, in this colorful biography of businessman Pedro Flores.
Fresh Juice & Jugo fresco
What makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
Qué contiene un jugo que mantiene a todos saludables? ¡Art y su papa descubren que necesitan zanahorias... col berza... chile de árbol... y una comunidad!
What makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
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In this book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
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Where do poems come from? This beautiful picture book about a young aspiring poet and his grandfather shows that the answer lies all around us--if we take the time to look.
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Seventeen-year-old Khosi dreams of finishing school--but how can she chase dreams while navigating rising violence in her South African township and trying to provide for her sister? A moving sequel to the award-winning This Thing Called the Future.
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Two tree frog siblings Rafi and Rosi explore their island home of Puerto Rico and learn about its Spanish history, fortresses, and pirates.
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Joe Hayes' mother knew how to stretch the family's budget nearly as well as he streeeeeetches the truth for his Joe Hayes Tall Tales.
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This stunning photo-essay for children is a story of coexistence, focusing on Jewish, Muslim, and Christian families in a Ugandan village who created a Fair Trade Coffee Cooperative and learned to live and work together peacefully.
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An alphabet book approach exploring the beauty and richness of the Chinese culture.
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Masi's barrio is wasting away. An entrepreneur comes to the rescue. But why? And his son has nice soft lips.
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In this lower middle-grade mystery, Jin must hunt down the monster he accidentally freed, before it eats his baby brother.
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When a young girl named Anu has trouble adjusting to her new home and school, she calls upon Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, for help vanquishing the ghosts in her closet.
Father-son scientists Luis and Walter Alvarez piece together one of the greatest mysteries of all time: What really happened to the dinosaurs? Dive into this fun and informative middle grade nonfiction book, which outlines the many important scientific discoveries that aided the Alvarezes in their search for answers.
Young readers will delight in learning about a wide variety of musical instruments in English and Spanish through beautifully handcrafted sculptures from Oaxaca, Mexico.
Los lectores jóvenes se deleitarán aprendiendo sobre una amplia variedad de instrumentos musicales en inglés y español a través de bellas esculturas hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México.
In this graphic novel retelling of an Indigenous Mexican tale, demigod twins must use their magic of song to prepare the world for humans--with a little trickster fun along the way. A supreme middle-grade adventure!
Una biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
A moving story about a young girl and her family who are forced to flee their beloved home after violence erupts all around them, and their journey to make a new sense of home.
From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler se encuentran con Merci Suarez en esta inteligente novela de misterio de grado medio sobre un diamante que desapareció del Louvre, y la dulce y valiente chica que resuelve el caso.
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler meets Merci Suarez in this smart young middle-grade mystery about a diamond gone missing from the Louvre and the sweet and spunky girl who cracks the case.
Afraid her sister (and maybe even herself) could lose sight of their Vietnamese identity, twelve-year-old Bom writes a poetic memoir to help them both remember--a love letter in verse to sisterhood and the places we leave behind.
A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.
Una conmovedora biografía ilustrada de una de las cantantes y defensoras de derechos humanos más queridas de América Latina, Mercedes Sosa.
A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.
Una niña de 13 años en Ciudad Juárez, México recibe la visita de una versión futura de ella misma de 30 años en esta novela poderosa para adultos jóvenes en verso sobre cómo manejar la depresión.
A 13-year-old girl growing up in Mexico is visited by her 30-year-old future self in this powerful YA novel in verse about handling depression.
After a panic attack prevents Florencia from performing as Clara in The Nutcracker and her best friend takes the lead, a new dance style helps her face her anxiety as well as a troubled friendship.
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Cuando un ataque de panico impide que Florencia actúe como Clara en El Cascanueces y su mejor amiga actúa como Clara en lugar de ella, un nuevo estilo de baile la ayuda a enfrentar su ansiedad y una amistad problemática.
After a panic attack prevents Florencia from performing as Clara in The Nutcracker and her best friends takes the lead, a new dance style helps her face her anxiety as well as a troubled friendship.
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En esta novela gráfica que reinventa un cuento indígena mexicano, los gemelos semidioses usan la magia de la canción para rescatar a su padre y a su tío de la peligrosa tierra de los muertos. Una aventura suprema de grado medio!
In this graphic novel retelling of an Indigenous Mexican tale, demigod twins must use their magic of song to rescue their father and uncle from the perilous Land of the Dead. A supreme middle-grade adventure!
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Rafi and Rosi, the curious, fun-loving tree frog siblings, are cooking up a storm with delicious Puerto Rican treats on the menu.
Rafi y Rosi, los hermanos rana arbórea curiosos y amantes de la diversión, están preparando una tormenta con deliciosas delicias puertorriqueñas en el menú.
Rafi and Rosi, the curious, fun-loving tree frog siblings, are cooking up a storm with delicious Puerto Rican treats on the menu.
Activism. Art. Community care. Education. These are the hallmarks of the work done by the youth highlighted in this collection featuring LGBTQ+ leaders working to make our world more inclusive.
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¡Detente y huele las rosas del Ecuador con Isabella, mientras ella aprende cómo tratar a los trabajadores agrícolas y a la Madre Tierra de una manera justa hace que el mundo florezca! Also available in English.
Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom!
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Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom! También disponible en español.
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Mia, a blind girl who enjoys identifying birds by their distinct calls and songs, leads her aunt through the park on a bird-listening adventure!
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This is a story about a great injustice and how Edie Windsor boldly stood up for what was right and went up against the highest court in the United States.
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Galardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Award, una biografía de la virtuosa del jazz afroamericana Melba Doretta Liston, una trombonista, compositora y arreglista musical pionera del siglo XX en una época en la que pocas mujeres tocaban instrumentos y formaban parte de la escena del jazz.
Recipient of the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor award, a biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.
Cuando la tribu Umpqua de Regina es terminada legalmente y su familia debe mudarse de Oregón a Los Ángeles, ella se embarca en una búsqueda para comprender su identidad como india a pesar de estar tan lejos de casa.
When Regina's Umpqua tribe is legally terminated and her family must relocate from Oregon to Los Angeles, she goes on a quest to understand her identity as an Indian despite being so far from home.
What makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
Ganador del premio New Voices de Lee & Low, El frasco de Juna es una conmovedora y caprichosa celebración de la amistad y el poder de la imaginación.
Un libro ilustrado de no ficción sobre la historia de Puerto Rico y la cotorra puertorriqueña, que se recuperó del borde de la extinción.
A 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Honor
In the first children's book to describe the long-forgotten chapter of US history known as Mexican Repatriation, a boy and his family leave their beloved home to avoid being separated by the government.
En el primer libro infantil que describe el capítulo olvidado de la historia de los Estados Unidos conocido como la Repatriación Mexicana, un niño y su familia dejan su amado hogar para evitar ser separados por el gobierno.
Este dulce y pionero libro ilustrado, ganador del Premio de Libro Stonewall 2020, celebra los cambios en la vida de un niño transgénero: desde su anunció que era trans hasta su preparación para ser un hermano mayor.
This sweet and groundbreaking picture book, winner of the 2020 Stonewall Book Award, celebrates the changes in a transgender boy's life, from his initial coming-out to becoming a big brother.
Saltypie is the sweet taste of Choctaw tears in this powerful picture-book memoir.
A 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Winner
From the creators of the award-winning picture book All Around Us comes another lyrical intergenerational story exploring our connections to nature, family, and traditions.
A 2023 Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Winner
De las creadoras del galardonado libro ilustrado All Around Us llega otra historia lírica intergeneracional que explora nuestra conexión con la naturaleza, la familia y las tradiciones.
From the creators of the award-winning picture book All Around Us comes another lyrical intergenerational story exploring our connection to nature, family, and traditions.
Find out what Rhett and Jett catch in their net on their fishing adventure!
Rhett and Jett is part of the Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection, a groundbreaking beginning reader series designed to strengthen and advance phonics and reading skills.
Reach out quotes@leeandlow.com to pre-order your copy today!
Join Duck and Cub as they play in the mud then splash in a tub of suds!
Duck and Cub is part of the Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection, a groundbreaking beginning reader series designed to strengthen and advance phonics and reading skills.
Reach out quotes@leeandlow.com to pre-order your copy today!
Join Tom and his dog, Dot, as they have fun at the dock!
Grandfather Rock is part of the Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection, a groundbreaking beginning reader series designed to strengthen and advance phonics and reading skills.
Reach out quotes@leeandlow.com to pre-order your copy today!
Join Jan and her dad as they have a fun day at the Culture Camp!
Jan at Camp is part of the Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection, a groundbreaking beginning reader series designed to strengthen and advance phonics and reading skills.
Reach out quotes@leeandlow.com to pre-order your copy today!
Can Tim help an injured robin heal its wing so it can fly again?
Tim and Robin is part of the Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection, a groundbreaking beginning reader series designed to strengthen and advance phonics and reading skills.
Reach out quotes@leeandlow.com to pre-order your copy today!
Pedro tiene una pizza. ¿Por qué crees que quiere más?
Pedro has a pizza. Why do you think he wants more?
¡Lee este libro para aprender sobre inventoresque convirtieron sus ideas en invencionesque hacen nuestra vida más fácil, segura o sabrosa!
Read this book to learn about some inventors who turned their ideas into inventions that make our lives easier, safer, or tastier!
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¿Puedes adivinar lo que hay dentro de la caja?Lee para que veas qué es.
Can you guess what's in the box? Read this story to find out.
¿Qué harías si tu mejor amigo se mudara? Lee este libro para que veas lo que hizo Jorge.
What would you do if your best friend moved away? Read this book to see what Jorge did.
Esta entrada en la innovadora series de "Historia" de libros por capítulos biográficos se enfoca en Anna May Wong, cuya carrera pionera en Hollywood creó un nuevo camino para generaciones de actores asíatico-americanos.
This entry in the innovative "Story" line of chapter-book biographies focuses on Anna May Wong, whose trail-blazing career in Hollywood broke new ground for future generations of Asian American actors.
Esta nueva entrada en la innovadora series de "Historia" de libros por capítulos biográficos se enfoca en John Lewis, un líder del movimiento de los derechos civiles en los años 1960 y un congresista venerado hasta hoy en día.
This new entry in the innovative "Story" line of chapter-book biographies focuses on John Lewis, a leader in the civil rights movement of the 1960s and a revered Congressman today.
Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talents in Students (COLLTS) is a research-based early childhood instructional resource from The Center for English Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). A major goal of the Center for English Learners at AIR is to create the highest quality early childhood instructional resource to meet the needs of English learners and Dual language learners and that all children can benefit from. The COLLTS instructional resource is distributed exclusively by Bebop Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books.
Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talents in Students (COLLTS) is a research-based early childhood instructional resource from The Center for English Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). A major goal of the Center for English Learners at AIR is to create the highest quality early childhood instructional resource to meet the needs of English learners and Dual language learners and that all children can benefit from. The COLLTS instructional resource is distributed exclusively by Bebop Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books.
Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talents in Students (COLLTS) is a research-based early childhood instructional resource from The Center for English Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). A major goal of the Center for English Learners at AIR is to create the highest quality early childhood instructional resource to meet the needs of English learners and Dual language learners and that all children can benefit from. The COLLTS instructional resource is distributed exclusively by Bebop Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books.
Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talents in Students (COLLTS) is a research-based early childhood instructional resource from The Center for English Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). A major goal of the Center for English Learners at AIR is to create the highest quality early childhood instructional resource to meet the needs of English learners and Dual language learners and that all children can benefit from. The COLLTS instructional resource is distributed exclusively by Bebop Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books.
La verdadera historia del gran guerrero Sioux que, de joven, desafía la tradición y busca una visión propia con la esperanza de salvar a su pueblo.
The true story of the great Sioux warrior who, as a young boy, defies tradition and seeks a vision on his own in hopes of saving his people.
Minerva esta encargada de sus hermanas después de la desaparición de su madre en estamágica historia argentina de medio grado que combina perfectamente con la historia de Peter Pan.
Minerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical Argentinean middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
De los creadores de ¡Los zombis no comen verduras! llega una historia épica y conmovedora de cuatro mejores amigos que recurren a los monstruos míticos de sus respectivas culturas para ayudarlos a salvar el único hogar que han conocido.
From the creators of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! comes a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.
La deliciosa historia real de un chef inventivo y los eventos casuales que llevaron a la creación del bocadillo favorito del mundo: ¡los nachos!
The delicious true story of an inventive chef and the serendipitous events that led to the creation of the world's favorite snack--nachos!
In this bilingual Persian-English picture book, a little girl learns how to live with the gentle giant that embodies her grief.
Pink goats, blue rabbits, and purple cats--oh my! Manuel has the determination and imagination to create them all!
Cabras rosas, conejos azules y gatos morados--¡que maravilla! ¡Manuel tiene las ganas e imaginación para crearlo todo!
A bilingual ABCs book that fills you in on all the fun neighborhood chatter!
Un libro bilingüe del abecedario que te pone al corriente del chisme divertido del vecindario!
A bilingual ABC book featuring beautiful, vibrant photographs of hand-carved animals from Oaxaca, Mexico.
Un libro ABC bilingüe que presenta hermosas y vibrantes fotografías de animales tallados a mano de Oaxaca, México.
Young readers will enjoy this fun and vibrant bilingual introduction to different forms of transportation. This installment in author Cynthia Weill's acclaimed Mexican Folk Art series is a colorful adventure in English and Spanish, illustrated with handmade painted sculptures.
Bestselling author Monica Brown takes us on a magical journey into the lives of generations of creative women in her family in this gorgeously illustrated bilingual picture book.
Monica Brown, exitosa autora, nos lleva a un viaje mágico en la vida de generaciones de mujeres creativas en su familia en este libro bilingüe bellamente ilustrado.
A border is nothing for people who love--and Little Diego loves his grandpa more than anything!
Una frontera no es nada para los que se aman: y Dieguito ama a su abuelo más que nada!
Another classic collection of stories from the rich tradition of northern New Mexico, told by master storyteller Joe Hayes.
Otra colección clásica de historias de la rica tradición del norte de Nuevo México, contada por el maestro narrador Joe Hayes.
Bestselling author Lesléa Newman offers a tender and timely story of a Puerto Rican child facing a hurricane and her concern for the beloved coquíes of her home island.
La autora de bestsellers Lesléa Newman ofrece un tierno y oportuno cuento de una niña puertorriqueña que enfrenta un huracán y su preocupación por los amados coquíes de su isla natal.
This charming bilingual English/Mandarin counting book uses a stroll through Chinatown to introduce readers to the numbers one through ten in Chinese ... and will leave you hungry besides!
Lee & Low Books is the largest multicultural children’s book publisher in the United States with a simple mission: to publish beautiful books about everyone, for everyone. We are also dedicated to promoting equity within the company and in the publishing industry at large.
Today and every day, we encourage you to share Muslim stories! To help out with that, we’ve compiled a list of book recommendations.
We’re so excited to celebrate the release of The Doomsday Detectives: How Walter and Luis Alvarez Solved the Mystery of Dinosaur Extinction by Cindy Jenson-Elliott, with illustrations by Theo Nicole Lorenz!
Lee & Low represents the very best in children’s publishing and are important leaders in the movement for diversity in children’s literature.
Lee & Low Books is simply the best when it comes to publishing and promoting diversity in children’s literature. They are one of my top resources for excellent books, booklists, guides, and resources to recommend to educators and parents. And as passionate advocates for diversity in children’s literature and other fields, Lee & Low are models for the rest of us. They pave the way for new authors and illustrators covering all forms of diversity and they remind us to be vigilant in our own reading lives, not only for ourselves and our children, but for society at large.
Lee & Low Books are publishers and heroes. Lee & Low Books are excellent books for children. Their stories are authentic, respectful, and unforgettable. They harness the power and wonder of our culturally rich world to create books that will entertain and inspire both children and adults.
Lee & Low plays a unique and valuable role in the publishing industry. Not only are they publishing new books, but they are also bringing back into print many of the gems from multicultural literature that have been unavailable for years. These titles were published at a time when children’s books had a stronger orientation to issues of race, class, and power than one typically sees in picture books today. Lee & Low is also conducting invaluable studies of diversity (or the lack of it) in the children’s book publishing industry. The studies serve as important exposés and call to action.
All children deserve to feel included and respected; nowhere is this more true than at school. Lee & Low publishes high-quality books that feature all kinds of people and families, offering children the chance to see themselves in the pages even as they encounter others who are different. A school whose classroom libraries are stocked with Lee & Low books has made a commitment to celebrate diversity.
His big, natural smile filling his face and her twinkling eyes piercing through and dancing with joy are reactions I treasure most when visiting with children at a book distribution. These children have perhaps only seen “window” books – books showing people and experiences different than theirs and now they have a “mirror” book, one where each sees a portrait of self in a book and that in turn allows that child to see her/himself as a person of value. Thank you, thank you Lee and Low for providing quality “mirror” experiences for children as well as new “windows” for readers. It is always with great confidence I refer individuals inquiring about great books for children to Lee and Low, I know they will be pleased with the choices available and the quality – physical quality as well as quality substance. And the children for whom they are buying? Those smiles and twinkles in the eyes are there!
Lee & Low has been and continues to be committed to publishing diverse books that are windows and mirrors for young readers. Lee & Low understands that reading about people different from oneself is as important as seeing oneself in books.