In Poetry Month,
Links to articles on race
Come with a haiku

Ta-Nehisi Coates is thinking about Confederate History Month, and brings us a photo and descriptions of recently-emancipated slaves from an 1864 edition of Harper’s Weekly—and like everything we’ve been reading about the census, it’s a telling glimpse into America’s racial makeup and mixtures: “Rebecca Huger is eleven years old, and was a slave in her father’s house, the special attendant of a girl a little older than herself. To all appearance she is perfectly white. Her complexion, hair, and features show not the slightest trace of negro blood.”

Stuff White People Do shares the experiences of a woman of color being perceived as a threat by her white neighbors.

The New York Times brings us a fascinating look at diversity on the Supreme Court. It has a really interesting breakdown not just of how the court has been taking baby steps towards diversity, but also how the focus of diversity has shifted over time—from religion, with seemingly token Catholics and Jews; to gender, which we’re still exploring but which has become much less of a big deal; to race; and maybe the next step is sexual orientation.

Lastly, a new study is out, showing that while most children form racial stereotypes young, those with a rare neurological disorder called Williams Syndrome may not form racial bias at all, though they do form gender bias. It’s pretty interesting, and could help scientists figure out how and why we process racial information.

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