The New Voices Award is open to all writers of color and Native/Indigenous authors who have not previously published a picture book. The winner receives a standard publication contract, including an advance and royalties.

Although this video is from 2017, we still believe that Shaping Up Your Manuscript: A Conversation With Our Editors has great information on what we’re looking for in the craft department.

While most answers about the contest (like submissions qualifications and how to submit) can be found by thoroughly reading the complete rules on the New Voices Award page, below are some Frequently Asked Questions.


What does it mean to be a person of color?

We accept entries from writers who identify as African/African American/Black, Asian/Asian American/AAPI, Indigenous & First Nations/Native American, Latine/Latino/Hispanic, or Middle Eastern/North African/Arab.


Why is the New Voices Award only open to people of color?

The New Voices Award was founded to encourage and support Indigenous authors and authors of color in a market where they’ve been traditionally excluded and underrepresented. That was true in 2000 when the award was created, and it’s still true today. (See the Cooperative Children’s Book Center’s Diversity Statistics regarding the representation gap in children’s literature.) The New Voices Award is one way we’re trying to close the gap.


I’m a citizen of a sovereign Native Nation, not of the US. May I submit to the New Voices Award?

Yes, if your Native Nation is within the contiguous United States.


Does Lee & Low Books only publish books by Indigenous people or people of color?

No! Outside this writing contest, anyone can submit a manuscript to us through an agent. Please see our general submission guidelines. However, the New Voices Award was specifically created to encourage and support Indigenous authors and authors of colors because they have been traditionally excluded and underrepresented in publishing.


I am a self-published author. May I still submit to the New Voices Award?

Yes, but not a manuscript that has been published before. All submissions to the New Voices Award must be unpublished.


What kind of manuscripts are you looking for?

Manuscripts may be FICTION, NON-FICTION, or POETRY for children ages 5 to 12. Manuscripts should address the needs of children of color or Indigenous children by providing stories with which they can identify and relate, and which promote a greater understanding of one another. Themes relating to different family structures, gender identity, LGBTQ+ communities, or disabilities are welcome, too. Only stories with human protagonists will be considered. Novels, short stories, and graphic novels will not be accepted. More guidelines on submissions can be found on the New Voices Award page.

We also recommend taking a look at the books we publish and about our editors for a sense of the kind of stories we’re most strongly drawn to.


Is there a word count/length limit for our manuscripts?

In our contest rules we state:

“Each submission should not exceed 4,500 words in length, including backmatter.”


Can I submit more than one manuscript?

Yes, you can submit up to 2 manuscripts.


If I’ve submitted a manuscript to the New Voices Award before but did not win, can I resubmit? 

If you have submitted a specific manuscript to the New Voices Award, that manuscript is no longer eligible for a future year’s award cycle. However, you may submit a new manuscript if you are still eligible for the contest (that is, if you have not yet published a picture book). 


Do I need to find an illustrator to go with my picture book manuscript?

No. In fact, you should not submit your manuscript with any illustrations unless you are also a professional illustrator. Professional illustrators who are also authors may include sample finished pages.


Do I need an agent to submit my manuscript?

No. As stated in the contest rules, only manuscripts from unagented writers will be considered, but if Lee & Low Books (in its sole and absolute discretion) extends an offer for publication to a winner, winner will be given one month from the date of winner notification to consult with an agent if winner so chooses.


Can I receive confirmation my submission has been received?

After submitting, you should receive an auto reply email confirming receipt of your submission.


I write for older readers. Is there a contest for me?

Yes! Our New Visions Award is for Middle Grade, YA, and Graphic novel authors.


If you are submitting to the New Voices Award this year, best of luck and we look forward to receiving your submissions!