Beginner’s Books Bound for Popularity

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LEE & LOW BOOKS is an independent, family owned company that brings diversity to the pages of its children’s books , middle grade novels and young adult novels.  Our goal is to meet the need for stories that children of color can identify with and that all children can enjoy..  One of the extensions of Lee & Low Books is our imprint BEBOP BOOKS.  These books help bring stories to children who are just beginning their reading experience.  They are child-centered stories that provide beginner reader content for guided reading and intervention settings.  Bebop authors and illustrators  are of diverse backgrounds, resulting in books with appealing text and pictures that children will enjoy and learn from.

Some of BEBOP’s top summer picks for the month of August include:

  1. Carmen’s Colors
  2. What a Street!
  3. Block Party
  4. Summer Sun Risin’

BEBOP BOOKS provide children with the challenges to improve their reading habits and also covers a wide range of concepts, themes, and subjects that will appeal to all children.  It is important to get your child into a daily reading habit early on in life and BEBOP BOOKS makes it easy. Visit our Bebop Books’ section to learn more.