GivingTuesday is next week! This day is about cultivating humanity and generosity in whatever ways are available to you — whether it’s shopping local, helping a neighbor, or supporting an organization that’s working in your community. We encourage you to consider taking part in the GivingTuesday movement. Actions that uplift our communities are vital now more than ever!
We are mindful of those in our book community on the ground, fighting to protect our freedom to read. It can feel like a thankless task to take on, so we want to uplift and support what they’re doing as we head into the holiday season and beyond.
Consider Supporting These Organizations

Authors Against Book Bans is a coalition of writers, illustrators, anthology editors and contributors, and other book creators, who are working to organize and take action to protect the rights of all young people to access the books they need and deserve.

EveryLibrary helps public, school, and college libraries win funding at the ballot box, ensuring stable funding and access to libraries for generations to come. We also support grassroots groups across the country defend and support their local library against book banning, illicit political interference, and threats of closure.

With more than 200 partner organizations and tens of thousands of individual supporters, Unite Against Book Bans connects, equips, and mobilizes the public to advocate in their communities for the right to read and to defeat attempts at every level of government to censor reading material.

We Are Stronger Than Censorship aims to empower both readers and the publishing industry at large with a response to the surge in book banning that is positive, proactive, grassroots, and community-based.