Thank you to all who joined us for our most recent webinar, The Power of Poetry with Poet and Storyteller Pat Mora featuring tips and strategies from renowned poet, educator, and literacy advocate Pat Mora about how to use poetry with students in various educational settings.

If you missed it live (or just want to watch it again), you can access the webinar below, or here on YouTube. Keep reading for links to resources and booklists shared during the webinar and feel free to reach out for more information and/or a Professional Development certificate.

Dive into creative ways to make poetry fun and engaging for young people, not just during Poetry Month but year-round! Our beloved Poetry Resource Guide is featured front and center to guide your poetry teaching methods, as well as suggest some of our new and bestselling poetry titles based on universal themes.

Recommended resources:

Poetry Resource Guide
Children’s Day, Book Day

Purchase the books from the webinar here:

My Magic Wand
Bookjoy, Wordjoy
Water Rolls, Water Rises / El agua rueda, el agua sube

Lee & Low’s Pat Mora & Poetry Collections:

Pat Mora Collection
Lee & Low Poetry Collection