Join an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances came from.
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Join an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances came from.
Join an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances came from.
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Patricia A. Keeler first fell in love with African dance after watching a Batoto Yetu performance at the Victory Theater in New York City. Pursuing the idea for a book, Keeler met Júlio Leitão and spent many weekends observing the young dancers in his troupe. With this book, Keeler hopes to introduce the richness of African dance to young readers everywhere. She lives with her husband in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Júlio Leitão was born in Luena, Angola. He came to the United States in 1985 and has taught dance for more than fifteen years. Leitão founded Batoto Yetu, an African dance troupe for children in 1990. He views sharing the dances of his homeland with a new generation as a way to "make sure our firsthand account of history is passed on." Leitão lives with his wife and daughter in New York City.
A celebration of the many different ways a multiracial group of seven friends braid their hair.
A fun rhythmic story that encourages children to tap, snap, swing, and sway, to the jazzy musical beat.
Inspired by his box of animal crackers, a Latino boy daydreams about the exotic animals he would give to his family and friends.
An African American girl wonders throughout the week when her loose front tooth will come out.
An African American boy's family lovingly piles so much clothing on him that he quickly goes from feeling cold to feeling hot.