183 Books in this collection
Bebop Spanish Fiction
Bebop Books, an exclusive imprint of Lee & Low Books, supports literacy learning for beginning readers, all with the same commitment to diversity and cultural authenticity.Every single title included in these collections has a FREE Teacher Guide or Lesson Plan.
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Books in This Collection
¡Al juego!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Al juego!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsDora y Papá se preparan para jugar fútbol. Lee este libro para ver qué necesitan usar para el juego.
¡Ay, caramba!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John Martinez¡Ay, caramba!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsUnos pastores llevaron a sus borregas a un pastizal. Lee este cuento de México para que veas que pasó.
Five sheepherders took their sheep to a pasture. Read this folktale from Mexico to find out what happened.
¡Ay, qué suerte!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Ay, qué suerte!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño va a la escuela el lunes. Lee para que veas si el día le trae buena suerte o mala suerte.
A boy is headed to school on Monday. Read to find out if the day brings him good luck or back luck.
¡Bravo, Queta!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡Bravo, Queta!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsQueta iba a bailar en un recital de ballet. Lee para que veas lo que sucedió cuando se preparaba con la ayuda de su mamá.
Etta was going to dance in a ballet recital. Read to find out what happened as she got ready with her mom's help.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas como una familia celebra el Año Nuevo.
Read this book to see how one family celebrates the new year.
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James Florez¡Gol!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsCinco amigos se divierten jugando al fútbol. Lee este libro para que veas cómo meten un gol juntos.
Five friends have fun playing soccer. Read this book to see how they score a goal together.
¡No quiero ir al dentista!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¡No quiero ir al dentista!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño tiene un dolor en un diente y tiene miedo ir al dentista. Lee para que veas lo que pasa.
A boy needs to go to the dentist. See what he imagines might happen at the dentist's office.
¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret Lindmark¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret LindmarkView DetailsAfter making a birdfeeder as a school project a young Latino boy discovers that his creation attracts some unwanted attention.
¡Qué susto me dio!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Qué susto me dio!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño tenía mucho miedo. Lee para que veas por qué se sentía así.
A young boy is so scared. Read this book to see why he felt this way.
¡Sh, sh!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John Martinez¡Sh, sh!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView Details¿Qué están haciendo todos estos animales cerca de la casa? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.
What are all these animals doing near the house? Read this book to find out.
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Zaz!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas qué le pasa a una mosquita necia. ¡Zaz!
Read this book to find out what happens to a sly fly that annoys a boy.
¿Cúantos hay?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Cúantos hay?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee para que sepas qué criaturas pequeñas colecciona el niño en este libro y cuántos criaturas tiene en total.
A boy collects and counts his favorite little creatures.
¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko Takahashi¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko TakahashiView DetailsA Vietnamese American boy searches all over the house for his puppy, who is always hiding just out of sight.
¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa Cinelli¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa CinelliView DetailsDuring a trip to the zoo, an African American girl tries to convince her mother to get her an exotic pet.
¿Qué debería ser?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué debería ser?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLa clase de un niño va a celebrar una fiesta de disfraces. ¿Qué disfraz escogerá él?
A boy has many costume choices for a party. Which one will he choose to wear?
¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James Florez¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView Details¿Puedes adivinar lo que hay dentro de la caja?Lee para que veas qué es.
Can you guess what's in the box? Read this story to find out.
¿Qué me pongo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¿Qué me pongo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué podría ponerse un niño durante los diferentes tipos de clima? Las pistas en este libro te ayudarán a dar con las respuestas.
What should a boy wear in different kinds of weather? The clues in this book will help you figure out the answers.
¿Qué puedo comprar?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Qué puedo comprar?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño ahorró su dinero para comprar un juguete para su nueva hermanita. Lee este libro para que veas lo que compra finalmente.
A boy saved his money to buy a toy for his new baby sister, Read this book to find out what he finally bought.
¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEn este libro tienes que adivinar qué sigue. ¿Podrás adivinar? ¿Por qué no lo intentas?
Here is a fun book about shapes and patterns. Can you guess what comes next.
Can you guess? Why don't you try and see?
¿Quién lee conmigo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Quién lee conmigo?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsTeresita quiere compartir sus libros pero todos en su familia están ocupados. Lee este cuento para que veas lo que pasa.
Teresa wants to share her books, but everyone in her family is busy. Read this story to see what happens.
¿Quien vive aquí?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¿Quien vive aquí?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee las pistas sobre estos cuentos famosos a ver si puedes adivinar ¿Quién vive aquí?
Read the clues about famous stories. Then see if you can answer the question, Who lives here?
¿Tiene miedo el ratón?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¿Tiene miedo el ratón?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Le tiene miedo un ratoncito a algún animales? ¡En este cuento chistoso aprenderás sobre el ratón y también sobre otros animales!
Is a little mouse afraid of any animals? In this fun story, you will find out about the mouse, and other animals too!
¿Ya mero llegamos, mami?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¿Ya mero llegamos, mami?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsZoí y su mamá hacen un viaje muy largo. Sigue con ellas mientras viajan de estado a estado.
Zoey and her mom are going on a long trip. Follow along as they travel from state to state.
Al bate
By Sue Muller Hacking, Don TateAl bate
By Sue Muller Hacking, Don TateView DetailsAn African American girl scores for her team by hitting a home run.
Ana y Tito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezAna y Tito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsAna y Tito ayudan a sus padres a estar listos para el mercado. Lee este libro para ver lo que suben al camión para vender.
Ana and Tito help their parents pack their truck with the many things they plan to sell at the market.
Bebé musical
By Carole Boston Weatherford, Laura Freeman HinesBebé musical
By Carole Boston Weatherford, Laura Freeman HinesView DetailsA fun rhythmic story that encourages children to tap, snap, swing, and sway, to the jazzy musical beat.
Brilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezBrilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee y aprende esta rima sobre las estrellas que brillan en el cielo.
Read and learn a fun rhyme about the shiny stars up in the sky.
Buscando una princesa de verdad
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezBuscando una princesa de verdad
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsLalo busca una princesa de verdad. Lee esta divertida versión de La princesa y el guisante para que veas si tiene éxito.
Prince Lalo is searching for a real princess. Read this fun retelling of The Princess and the Pea to find out if he is successful..
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Comemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinComemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinView DetailsA Korean American girl and boy love rice so much they eat it all the time and in many different ways.
Conozco a una viejita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezConozco a una viejita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¡No vas a creer lo que esta viejita se comió! Lee esta rima chistosa para que lo sepas.
You won't believe what an old lady ate! This funny rhyme tells all about it.
Cuando me baño
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezCuando me baño
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas qué pasa cuando un niño se da un baño.
Read to find out what happens when a young boy takes a bath.
Cuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezCuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué quieres ser cuándo seas grande? Lee este libro para aprender sobre algunos de los trabajos que pudieras tener.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Read this book to find out about some of the jobs you might have.
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Danza Africana
Al Ritmo del RedobleBy Patricia Keeler, Júlio LeitãoView DetailsJoin an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances come from.
De colores: Una canción de las estaciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageDe colores: Una canción de las estaciones
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsAbre este libro para aprender una canción tradicional española sobre las estaciones del año.
Open this book to learn a traditional Spanish song about the seasons of the year.
Diez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDiez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsAprende a contar con los diez ositos.
Learn to count with ten little bears.
Donde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDonde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño nos cuenta sobre el lugar donde vive. ¿Es igual a donde vives tú?
Find out about the rooms in one boy's home. What rooms do you have in your home?
Donde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneDonde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño aprende diferentes cosas en diferentes lugares. Lee para que veas a dónde va y que aprende.
A boy learns different things in different places. Read to find out where he goes and what he learns.
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Donde yo juego
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDonde yo juego
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee sobre un niño y todos los lugares especiales en donde le gusta jugar y simular.
Read about a boy and the spacial places where he likes to play and pretend.
Dulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna mujer tiene dulces recuerdos de sus visitas a la casa de sus abuelos durante su niñez. Lee este cuento para que veas qué son.
A woman has sweet memories of childhood visits to her grandparents' home. Read this story to find out what they are.
Durazno jugoso
By Mary Dixon Lake, Aaron BoydDurazno jugoso
By Mary Dixon Lake, Aaron BoydView DetailsThree African American boys find, pick, and eat a perfect juicy peach.
El baúl de los recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEl baúl de los recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsMira como una niña aprende sobre algunas de las cosas especiales que están en el baúl de los recuerdos de su abuelita.
Join a girl as she learns about some of the special things in her grandma's memory trunk.
El caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezEl caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsQué sabroso es el caldo. ¿Sabes qué contiene? Este libro te lo dirá.
This book tells you about some of the ingredients that can be used to make a yummy soup.
El conejo mágico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl conejo mágico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que conozcas a este conejo mágico y sepas lo que pasa cuando se le piden muchos deseos a este conejo.
See what happens when a magic rabbit is asked to grant too many wishes.
El desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisEl desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisView DetailsChinese New Year is here.
Come along to the Golden Dragon Parade.
El día 100
By Anastasia Suen, Christine PowersEl día 100
By Anastasia Suen, Christine PowersView DetailsA class of kindergarten children celebrate the 100th day of school.
El día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezEl día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezView DetailsWhile helping her father with cleaning day chores, a Cuban American girl's best intentions sometime have humorous results.
El duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsAbre este libro para que leas este cuento sobre un padre, su hijo y el duende que los ayuda.
Open the book to read the tale of a father, his son, and the elf who helps them.
El lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeEl lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeView DetailsKama's aunt is coming to visit him in Hawaii and he wants to make her the perfect present-a lei. But when the tree in his yard only has three flowers left, he has to come up with a creative solution.
El maíz de Quetzalcóatl
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl maíz de Quetzalcóatl
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que descubras la leyenda mexicana de cómo llegó el maíz al pueblo azteca.
Read this story to discover the Mexican legend of how corn came to the ancient Aztec people.
El mariachi
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezEl mariachi
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Sabes cuáles son los instrumentos que tocan los músicos en un mariachi? Este libro te lo dirá.
This story introduces the instruments played by the musicians in a mariachi.
El niño travieso y los tres osos
By Elena Castro, Enrique Isai Flores Gonzalez, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl niño travieso y los tres osos
By Elena Castro, Enrique Isai Flores Gonzalez, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas lo que pasa cuando un niño visita a los tres osos.
A naughty boy visits the house of three bears. What do you think will happen?
El oso Meño
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezEl oso Meño
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView Details¿Qué hace este oso durante el invierno? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.
What does this bear do during the winter? Read this book to find out.
El pececito Andrés
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezEl pececito Andrés
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsFredy el pulpo persigue al pececito Andrés. Lee este libro para que veas lo que pasó.
Freddy the octopus chased Andrés the fish. Read this book to find out what happened.
El pequeño Toñito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl pequeño Toñito
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas algunas de las cosas que el pequeño Toñito puede hacer aunque sea muy chiquito.
Tony is a tiny boy, but he can do many things even though he is very small.
El pollito triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl pollito triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEl pollito se siente muy triste y solito. Lee para ver por qué se siente así.
Once there was a chick that was sad and lonely. Read this story to find out why it feels this way.
El primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasEl primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.
El rebozo de Elsa
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEl rebozo de Elsa
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsElsa tiene un rebozo nuevo pero no sabe cómo usarlo. Lee este cuento para que veas lo que aprende.
Elsa has a new rebozo, but she doesn't know how to use it. Read this story to find out what she learns.
El silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnEl silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnView DetailsRuby can do lots of things, but she can't whistle. After many frustrating attempts, she finally learns from some very special teachers.
El sol del verano
By William Nikola, Don TateEl sol del verano
By William Nikola, Don TateView DetailsFrom sun up to sun down, life on the farm is a flurry of activity. See how a young African American boy and his family spend a busy day on their farm.
El supermercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl supermercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué comidas comprarán el niño y su papá en el supermercado para hacer una cena deliciosa?
A boy and his dad go to the supermarket to buy food to make a delicious meal.
El viaje de Carlos y Ceci
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezEl viaje de Carlos y Ceci
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsCarlos y Ceci van de viaje alrededor del sistema solar. Lee este cuento para que veas adónde van.
Carlos and Ceci are off on a journey around the solar system. Read this story to find out where they go.
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En el mercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezEn el mercado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño y su mamá están en el mercado. ¿Qué piensas que compraron para hacer el desayuno?
A boy and his mama go shopping at an outdoor market. Find out what they buy to make a delicious breakfast.
En el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksEn el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksView DetailsA Mohawk boy visits the park and uses his five senses to discover the natural world around him.
En el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEn el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Has ido alguna vez al zoológico? Lee aquí sobre los animales que viven allí.
Have you ever been to a zoo? This book tells about some of the animals you may see at a zoo.
En la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleEn la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleView DetailsAn Asian Indian boy joins his firefighter dad at work for the day. See what he does and who he meets at the fire station.
En la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Puedes ver muchas cosas en la playa, pero ten cuidado con las cosas que quizás no veas!
You can see many things at the beach, but you also need to be careful about something you may not see!
En las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanEn las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanView DetailsA young Latina girl and her mother go on a nature hike through the mountains. They encounter many interesting animals along the way.
En mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Hay muchos bichos en el jardín, pero ten cuidado! ¡Algunos quizás te den miedo!
Find out about some of the many bugs that you might see in a garden.
Es mejor dar que recibir
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezEs mejor dar que recibir
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezView DetailsLee esta historia para que aprendas qué significa este dicho: "Es mejor dar que recibir".
Read this story to learn what this saying means: "It is better to give than to receive."
Fabio y el festival maya
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezFabio y el festival maya
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA Fabio le gustaría tener un poncho para el festival cultural maya. Lee este libro para que sepas lo que pasa.
Fabio would like a poncho to wear at the Mayan cultural festival. Read this story to find out what happens.
Fancy Dance: Una danza nativoamericana
By Leslie Johnson, Kayeri AkweksFancy Dance: Una danza nativoamericana
By Leslie Johnson, Kayeri AkweksView DetailsJoe is dancing the Fancy Dance at a powwow for the first time. He is nervous, but once the dance starts he knows just what to do.
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiFotos
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiView DetailsA Japanese American girl plays on a trampoline while her grandfather tries to take her picture.
Gran pelea de bolas de nieve
By Danilo Figueredo, Hector Viveros LeeGran pelea de bolas de nieve
By Danilo Figueredo, Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsA group of Cuban American children gather one-by-one on a snowy day, adding up to a great big snowball fight.
Gregorio el gallo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezGregorio el gallo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsGregorio el gallo no sabía cuándo cantar. Lee este libro para que sepas lo que aprendió.
Rusty the Roost didn't know how to crow. Read this story to find our what he learned.
La abeja trabajadora
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa abeja trabajadora
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEsta abeja es muy trabajadora. Lee este libro para que veas lo que hace.
This book shows how bees work hard to help the whole beehive.
La caja de Flor
By Tina Athaide, Priscilla BurrisLa caja de Flor
By Tina Athaide, Priscilla BurrisView DetailsWith a cardboard box and a little imagination, Flora creates a world of fun. Whether she's in, under, or next to the box, her ideas have no limits-but the box does!
La dulcería
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa dulcería
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsVen con una niña a la dulcería para que veas cuántas golosinas compra.
Come along to the candy store to see how many treats a girl buys.
La escuela nueva de Elena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa escuela nueva de Elena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEs el primer día de Elena en su nueva escuela. Lee este libro para que veas lo que pasa.
It's Elena's first day at her new school. Read this story to find our what happens.
La fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleLa fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleView DetailsA Latino boy and his friends celebrate his birthday at a party with a traditional piñata.
La granja del Tío Pedro
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLa granja del Tío Pedro
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro y aprende sobre los animales que viven en la granja del tío Pedro.
Lots of animals live on Uncle Peter's farm. This book tells you about some of them.
La hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesLa hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesView DetailsAt bedtime, an African American boy finds all kinds of things to do instead of going to bed.
La hora del baño
By Lucy Malka, René King MorenoLa hora del baño
By Lucy Malka, René King MorenoView DetailsA Puerto Rican boy prepares for his nighttime bath by filling the tub with all his favorite things.
La mariquita está triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa mariquita está triste
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Por qué se ve tan triste esta mariquita? Lee este chistoso cuento para que lo averigües.
A ladybug is sad. Could it be that it is missing some spots?
La mosquita lista
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa mosquita lista
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué es lo que sabe la mosquita lista? Si lees este libro lo sabrás también.
Practice counting with a clever little fly.
La muñeca de Elizabeti - Bebop
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleLa muñeca de Elizabeti - Bebop
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsA young Tanzanian girl finds a special doll, and realizes how much she loves the doll when she almost loses her. In Spanish.
La niña de jengibre
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLa niña de jengibre
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña de jengibre piensa que es muy viva. Lee este libro para ver qué le sucede a ella.
The gingerbread girl thinks she is very smart. Read this book to see what happens to her.
La niña del poncho rojo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa niña del poncho rojo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña les lleva una canasta de comida a sus abuelitos. Lee para que veas lo que le pasó en el camino.
A little girl was taking a basket of food to her grandparents. Read to find out what happened along the way.
La sirenita Ari
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLa sirenita Ari
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsCambiaron las cosas para la sirenita Ari cuando llegó la sirenita Casilda. Lee este libro para que veas lo que sucedió.
Things changed for Ari the mermaid when Cassie the mermaid arrived. Read this story to find out what happened.
Las aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliLas aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliView DetailsWhen the car has to go to the shop, Pran and his mother, Mrs. Patel, try a new way to get to school each day. The results are a wacky week full of misadventure!
Las estaciones
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas estaciones
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué juegas tú en cada estación del año? ¿Qué estación te gusta más?
What do you like to play in each season of the year? Which season do you like best?
Las flores de doña Flor
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLas flores de doña Flor
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para ver como doña Flor utiliza materiales coloridos para hacer flores para su vecindad.
Read this book to find out how Nana Flor uses colorful materials to make flowers for her neighborhood.
Las mariposas de Alicia
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezLas mariposas de Alicia
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsAlicia tiene hilo azul, amarillo y rojo. Mira dentro para que veas cómo usa el hilo para hacer mariposas especiales.
Alicia has blue, yellow, and red thread. Look inside this book to see how she uses the thread to make special butterflies.
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Lavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerLavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerView DetailsWhen the family car gets dirty it's time to go to the car wash. Join a young African American girl and her family on their fun-filled, suds-filled ride.
Lo que leo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLo que leo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsA un niño le gusta leer antes de dormir. Con cada libro, el emprende un viaje imaginario.
A boy likes to read before going to sleep. With each story, he takes an imaginary trip.
Lolita en una granja
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaLolita en una granja
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaView DetailsLee este libro para que veas el trabajo que Lolita y su familia hacen durante el verano.
Read this book to find out about the work Lolita and her family do in summer.
Los cinco hermanos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos cinco hermanos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este cuento sobre cinco hermanos para ver dónde viven y qué hacen allí.
Five brothers live on a farm. Read to find out what each of them does there.
Los collares
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos collares
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEn este libro aprenderás cómo hacer un collar.
In this book you will learn how to make a necklace.
Los colores de Carmen
By Maria Diaz StromLos colores de Carmen
By Maria Diaz StromView DetailsA Mexican American girl and her mother go to the outdoor market and buy an array of colorful items.
Los dos volcanes
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezLos dos volcanes
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsLee este libro para que aprendas sobre la leyenda azteca de Izta, Popo y los dos volcanes.
Open this book to read the Aztec legend of Izta, Popo, and the two volcanoes.
Los monstruos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLos monstruos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña piensa que hay monstruos en su recámara. Lee para ver dónde piensa ella que están.
A girl says there are monsters in her room. Read to find out where she thinks they are.
Los raspados
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLos raspados
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsTres niños disfrutan de deliciosos raspados de diferentes colores y sabores.
Three children enjoy yummy snow cones in different colors and flavors.
Los tres cerditos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezLos tres cerditos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué le pasó a estos cerditos que nunca obedecían a su mamá? Lee este cuento para que lo sepas.
Read this story to find out what happened to three little pigs that never obeyed their mother.
Los tres deseos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLos tres deseos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Qué harías tú si tuvieras tres deseos? Lee este cuento para ver lo que pasa cuando un hombre desea algo sin pensar.
Read this story to find out what happens when a man makes wishes without thinking.
Luna sorpresa
By Caroline Hatton, Felicia HoshinoLuna sorpresa
By Caroline Hatton, Felicia HoshinoView DetailsOn a Fall night, a Vietnamese American boy named Nick shows his friends how to celebrate the Autumn Moon Festival, a special holiday in his father's home country. See which part of the celebration Nick likes the best.
Lupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLupita y David no le hicieron caso a su mamá.Lee esta versión de Hansel y Gretel para que veas lo que les pasó.
Lupita and David did not obey their mother. Read this retelling of "Hansel and Gretel" to find out what happened to them.
Marina la ballena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Carlos SentiesMarina la ballena
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Carlos SentiesView DetailsLee este cuento para que veas lo que pasa cuando Marina, la ballena, no le hace caso a su mamá.
Read this story to find out what happens when Marina the whale doesn't listen to her mother.
Me encontré una piedra
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMe encontré una piedra
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsA un niño le gusta coleccionar piedras. ¿Qué crees que hace con ellas?
A boy who gathers rocks makes them into special additions for his collection.
Me siento feliz
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMe siento feliz
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsMuchas cosas hacen que esta niña se sienta feliz. Lee este libro para que sepas cuáles son.
Many things make this girl happy. Read this book to find out what they are.
Me veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneMe veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneView DetailsOn her way to school one morning, a young Native American girl gets a taste of the rodeo adventure she daydreams about.
Mi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonMi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonView DetailsA Pueblo boy living on a reservation in New Mexico cares for and rides his horse.
Mi cumpleaños
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMi cumpleaños
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¡Feliz cumpleaños! Acompaña a una jovencita en su fiesta de cumpleaños.
Birthday parties are fun. See how one girl celebrates her special day.
Mi escalera - Bebop
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageMi escalera - Bebop
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsAn African American girl shares the private world of playtime on her front steps over each of the four seasons in this picture book in Spanish.
Mi familia
By Karen Hjemboe, Dorothy SullivanMi familia
By Karen Hjemboe, Dorothy SullivanView DetailsA Cherokee girl learns traditional skills and customs from the members of her family.
Mi gatito mimado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMi gatito mimado
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsAlgunas mascotas es muy mimado. Lea sobre un gatito quisquilloso y lo que le gusta hacer.
Some pets can be very fussy. This story tells about all the things one fussy kitten likes to do.
Mi hermano Paco
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezMi hermano Paco
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsYa viene la lluvia. Lee para que veas qué hacen un niño y su hermanito Paco para estar listos.
Rain is coming. Read this book to find out what Paco and his brother do to get ready.
Mi maestra
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMi maestra
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas cómo una maestra ayuda a aprender a una niña.
Read this book to find out all the things a girl's teacher helps her learn.
Mi mami
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMi mami
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEn este libro, un niño cuenta algunas de las razones por las que ama a su mami.
In this book a boy tells about some some of the reasons why he loves his mommy.
Mi mundo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMi mundo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que sepas cómo está compuesto el mundo de una niña.
Read this book to find out about all the parts of a girl's world.
Mi muñeco de nieve
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMi muñeco de nieve
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño quiere hacer un muñeco de nieve. Lee este libro para ver cómo lo hace.
It has just snowed. See how one boy makes his own special snowpal.
Mi perrita Chata
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMi perrita Chata
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLa perrita Chata a veces es traviesa. Lee y mira lo que hace.
The puppy Chata sometimes misbehaves. Read about some of the naughty things it does.
Mi piñata
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMi piñata
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLas piñatas son de diferentes formas y tamaños. ¿Qué piñata elegirá un niño para su fiesta?
Piñatas come in different shapes and sizes. Which piñata will a boy choose for his party?
Mi tata José
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMi tata José
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee para que veas lo que hace un niño con su tata José cada día de la semana.
Read this book to find out what a boy does with Grandpa Joe every day of the week.
Mi tía Erika
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezMi tía Erika
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsLa tía Erika ha venido de visita. Lee este libro para que veas todas las cosas divertidas que ella hace.
Auntie Erika has come to visit. Read this story to see all the fun things she does.
Mis cinco perritos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMis cinco perritos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsAprende sobre cinco perritos en una rima divertida. Lee para ver lo que sucede al final.
A girl has five puppies but ends up with only one. Read this fun rhyme to find out what happens.
Mis comidas favoritas
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMis comidas favoritas
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña está de fiesta. Descubra cuáles son sus comidas favoritas y quién se las prepara.
A girl is having a party. Find out what her favorite foods are and who makes them for her.
Mis mascotas
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMis mascotas
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño tiene tres mascotas ruidosas. Lee este libro para ver cuáles son los ruidos que hacen.
A boy has three noisy pets. Read to find out about the sounds they make.
Mis muñecas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMis muñecas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña tiene cuatro muñequitas. Lee para que veas por qué cada una de ellas es muy especial.
A girl has four little dolls. Read this book to find out what makes each one special.
Mis quehaceres
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMis quehaceres
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEl niño en este libro tiene muchos quehaceres. Lee para ver cuáles son.
A boy helps his dad with many chores. This book tells you what they do together.
Muchos frijoles
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMuchos frijoles
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que veas cómo algunos niños se preparan para su concierto escolar.
A group of children use dried beans to make instruments for a school concert.
Muchos sombreros
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezMuchos sombreros
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna niña y su papá tienen muchos sombreros. ¿Qué crees que hacen cuando los usan?
A girl and her father have lots of matching hats. This story tells what they do when they wear each one.
Nana Almita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneNana Almita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUna niña busca a su nana Almita. Lee para ver dónde la encuentra.
A girl searches around the house and garden to find her grandma Alma.
No les tengo miedo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezNo les tengo miedo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsConoce a un chico que no le teme a nada, ¡ni siquiera a los monstruos!
Meet a boy who is not afraid of anything, not even monsters!
Nuestro apartamento
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezNuestro apartamento
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña y su familia viven en un apartamento. Lee para que veas en qué este apartamento es igual o diferente de donde vives tú.
A girl and her family live in an apartment. See how an apartment is the same as or different from where you live.
Pepe el panadero
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezPepe el panadero
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsPepe el panadero quiere hacer un pastel. Lee para que veas que le sucedió a Pepe.
Buster the baker wants to bake a cake. Read this story to see what happens.
Picnic en familia
By Gaylia Taylor, Aaron BoydPicnic en familia
By Gaylia Taylor, Aaron BoydView DetailsAn African American boy and his extended family have a fun-filled reunion in the park.
Rosa y sus amigos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezRosa y sus amigos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas lo que les gusta hacer juntos a Rosa y a sus amigos.
Read this book to find out what Rosa and her friends like to do together.
Sam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioSam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioView DetailsGus is trying to teach his parrot Sam to speak, but Sam doesn't seem to be interested in learning. When Sam finally speaks, will Gus regret ever teaching him?
Santa Clos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneSanta Clos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Sabes por dónde entra Santa Clos a una casa? ¡Lee este libro y lo sabrás!
Do you know how Santa Claus enters a house? Read this book and find out!
Sara, Sarita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSara, Sarita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué le pasa a Sarita cuando está comiendo su pastel y su helado? Lee y mira lo que pasó.
What happens to little Sara when she is eating her cake and ice cream? Read and find out.
Señor Cascarón
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSeñor Cascarón
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsEl Señor Cascarón estaba sentado en un cajón. Lee este cuento en rima para que veas lo que le pasó.
Mr. Egg Head was sitting on a crate. Read this rhyming story to find out what happened to him.
Siete Galletas
By Lorena Iglesias Heydenburk, Ana OchoaSiete Galletas
By Lorena Iglesias Heydenburk, Ana OchoaView DetailsA Mexican American girl and her grandfather have just finished baking cookies, and everyone in the family wants one. Follow along as the girl shares the cookies one-by-one.
Sorpresa de mudanza
By Tina Stolberg, Nicole TadgellSorpresa de mudanza
By Tina Stolberg, Nicole TadgellView DetailsAn African American boy is sad to find out that he and his family are moving, and he worries about all the changes the move will bring. After a big surprise, he learns that changes aren't always scary.
Soy la tetera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSoy la tetera
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para aprender sobre diferentes tipos de tés hechos de hierbas y especias y como te pueden ayudar.
Read this book to find out about different teas made from herbs and spices and how they might help you.
Tocamos Música
By Dolores JohnsonTocamos Música
By Dolores JohnsonView DetailsIt's a celebration of sound when a group of neighborhood children gather on a stoop to play their instruments.
Todos somos amigos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezTodos somos amigos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee para aprender cómo los amigos dinosaurios en este libro son iguales y cómo son diferentes.
Three dinosaur friends talk about how they are the same and different.
Tortillas de barro
By Barbara M. Flores, Michael RamirezTortillas de barro
By Barbara M. Flores, Michael RamirezView DetailsSee what kind of mischief two Latino sisters get into when they decide to make their own tortillas-out of mud!
Un día en la feria
By Lesléa Newman, Loretta LopezUn día en la feria
By Lesléa Newman, Loretta LopezView DetailsAfter spending an action-packed day at the fair, a Latino boy enjoys one last ride-the ride home!
Un día especial
By Anne Sibley O'BrienUn día especial
By Anne Sibley O'BrienView DetailsA Korean American girl is celebrating her grandfather's 60th birthday, a Korean tradition. See the special clothing, foods, and customs that make this a special day.
Un diente suelto
By Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney, Shane W. EvansUn diente suelto
By Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney, Shane W. EvansView DetailsAn African American girl wonders throughout the week when her loose front tooth will come out.
Un nuevo hogar
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezUn nuevo hogar
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña se muda a un hogar nuevo. Este cuento te dice cómo se siente sobre la mudanza.
A girl is moving to a new home. This story tells you how she feels about the move.
Una boda
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezUna boda
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLas bodas son celebraciones bonitas. ¿Qué puedes ver en una boda?
Have you ever been to a wedding? This book tells you some of the things you will see there.
Una cabra en la ciudad
By Phillis Gershator, Wellington D. SadlerUna cabra en la ciudad
By Phillis Gershator, Wellington D. SadlerView DetailsChaos ensues when a goat shows up in the middle of a Caribbean town. Luckily our young narrator knows just what to do to save the day.
Una comida de cumpleaños para papá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaUna comida de cumpleaños para papá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl EspinozaView DetailsEs el cumpleaños de papá. Lee este libro para que veas cómo preparar la comida favorita de papá.
It's Dad's birthday. Read this story to learn how to prepare Dad's favorite meal.
Una mascota para Chayito
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezUna mascota para Chayito
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsChayito le encantan los animales y desea tener una mascota. ¿Encontrará una en el parque animal?
Charly loves animals and wishes she had a pet. Will she find one at the animal park?
Una sorpresa para mamá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezUna sorpresa para mamá
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsBeto quiere hacer un regalo sorpresa para su mamá. Lee este libro para que veas qué le hace.
Beto wants to make a surprise gift for his mama. Read this book to find out what he makes.
Vengan a ver mi rancho
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezVengan a ver mi rancho
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsHay muchos animalitos que viven en una granja. En este libro conocerás algunos de ellos.
Many baby animals live on a farm. In this book you will meet some of them.
Viajamos en tren
By Candace WhitmanViajamos en tren
By Candace WhitmanView DetailsAn African American boy experiences the excitement of his very first train ride with his parents.
Ya viene el autobús
By Anastasia Suen, Linda FinchYa viene el autobús
By Anastasia Suen, Linda FinchView DetailsA Chinese American girl takes the bus to school and greets her friends, one by one, at each stop.
Yo juego fútbol
By Mary Cappellini, George CrespoYo juego fútbol
By Mary Cappellini, George CrespoView DetailsA Latina girl scores a goal in an after-school game of soccer with her friends.
Yo me visto solo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezYo me visto solo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño se viste solo para ir a la escuela. Aprende qué se pone cada día.
A boy dresses himself to go to school. Find out what he puts on each day.
Yo tenía un hipopótamo - Bebop
By Hector Viveros LeeYo tenía un hipopótamo - Bebop
By Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsInspired by his box of animal crackers, a Latino boy daydreams about the exotic animals he would give to his family and friends.
Zapatos nuevos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezZapatos nuevos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño tiene un par de zapatos nuevos. Lee para que veas qué hace cuando los lleva puestos.
A boy is proud of his clean, new shoes. But once he starts to play, his new shoes get dirty.