Las máquinas sencillas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLas máquinas sencillas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsMira dentro de este libro para aprender sobre los seis tipos de máquinas sencillas.
Look inside this book to learn about the six kinds of simple machines.
¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA Diego no le gusta bañarse. Lee este cuento para que veas qué le pasa.
Diego doesn't like to take baths. Read this story to find out what happens to him.
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El duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEl duende Maloigoloso
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsAbre este libro para que leas este cuento sobre un padre, su hijo y el duende que los ayuda.
Open the book to read the tale of a father, his son, and the elf who helps them.
En busca de insectos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezEn busca de insectos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLos insectos están por todas partes. Lee este libro para que sepas de algunos insectos que puedes encontrar cerca de donde vives.
Insects are all around us. Read this book to learn about some insects you might find near where you live.
Los dinosaurios
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezLos dinosaurios
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro para que sepas de algunos de los dinosaurios que vivieron hace millones de años.
Read this book to find out about some of the many dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.
Mi mundo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneMi mundo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLee este libro para que sepas cómo está compuesto el mundo de una niña.
Read this book to find out about all the parts of a girl's world.
Las partes de una planta
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneLas partes de una planta
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLas plantas tienen muchas partes. En este libro averiguarás por qué es importante cada parte.
Plants have many parts. In this book you will find out why each part is important.
Cuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezCuando sea grande
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¿Qué quieres ser cuándo seas grande? Lee este libro para aprender sobre algunos de los trabajos que pudieras tener.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Read this book to find out about some of the jobs you might have.
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From Egg to Chick
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneFrom Egg to Chick
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsRead this book to learn about some of the stages in the development of a chick.
It Is Better to Give Than to Receive
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezIt Is Better to Give Than to Receive
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Marty MartinezView DetailsRead this story to learn what this saying means: "It is better to give than to receive."
Searching for a Real Princess
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezSearching for a Real Princess
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsPrince Lalo is searching for a real princess. Read this fun retelling of The Princess and the Pea to find out if he is successful..
Alicia's Butterflies
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezAlicia's Butterflies
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsAlicia has blue, yellow, and red thread. Look inside this book to see how she uses the thread to make special butterflies.
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The Mariachi Is Here
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezThe Mariachi Is Here
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA musician is playing with a mariachi. Read this book to find out all about mariachis.
Maize: Plant of the Americas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezMaize: Plant of the Americas
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsMaize is an ancient plant grown all over the world. Read this book to find out why it is important.
Off to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezOff to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsIt's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezBears
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsOpen this book to learn about all the different species of bears in the world.
Sweet Memories
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezSweet Memories
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsA woman has sweet memories of childhood visits to her grandparents' home. Read this story to find out what they are.
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