
Honoring Our Ancestors

By Harriet Rohmer

Paperback: $11.95

Hardcover: out of stock


This remarkable book brings together fourteen outstanding and diverse artists to honor the ancestors who most touched their lives and to pay playful tribute to the influential and loving people who came before them.

Caryl Henry honors her grandmother and Madame C. J. Walker, America's first Black woman millionaire. Nancy Hom honors her father who worked in a Chinese restaurant but possessed the strength of a mighty warrior. George Crespo honors his Puerto Rican grandfather and his Taino ancestors. Mira Reisberg honors her Jewish grandparents who were killed in the Holocaust and the ancestors in spirit who shaped her life.

Through stories, art, and photographs, Honoring Our Ancestors will inspire children and their families to gain strength from the past as they ask themselves, "Who do I honor?"

About the Creators

Thumb_thumb Harriet Rohmer - Author

was the founder of Children’s Book Press. She is the author and editor of many award-winning children's books, including Just Like Me, Uncle Nacho's Hat, and Honoring Our Ancestors. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. To find out more about Harriet, visit her online at