La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong

(The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong)
By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang, Eida del Risco

Esta entrada en la innovadora series de “Historia” de libros por capítulos biográficos se enfoca en Anna May Wong, cuya carrera pionera en Hollywood creó un nuevo camino para generaciones de actores asíatico-americanos.

This entry in the innovative “Story” line of chapter-book biographies focuses on Anna May Wong, whose trail-blazing career in Hollywood broke new ground for future generations of Asian American actors.

Front cover for Shining Star by Paula Yoo and Lin Wang
This book is also available in English
Shining Star
By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang
Front cover for The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong by Paula Yoo and Lin Wang
This book is also available in English
The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong
By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang


Nacida en 1905, Anna May Wong pasó su infancia trabajando en la lavandería de su familia en el barrio chino de Los Ángeles. Siempre que podía permitírselo, Anna May iba al cine, escapando a un mundo de aventuras, glamour y emoción. Después de ver la filmación de una película en su vecindario, la joven Anna May quedó enganchada. ¡Decidió que se convertiría en estrella de cine!

Anna May luchó por seguir una carrera como actriz en Hollywood en la década de 1930. Había muy pocos roles para los asiático-americanos y muchos eran degradantes y estereotipados. Anna May aprovechó al máximo cada parte limitada. Trabajó duro y siempre dio su mejor desempeño. Finalmente, después de años de papeles insatisfactorios, Anna May comenzó a buscar papeles más significativos para ella y otros actores asiático-americanos. Su determinación enérgica frente a la discriminación es una inspiración para todos los que deben superar obstáculos para realizar sus sueños.

Este libro por capítulos incluye ilustraciones en blanco y negro, así como barras laterales sobre temas relacionados, una línea de tiempo, un glosario y lecturas recomendadas. Perfecto para lectores que buscan pasar de libros ilustrados al siguiente nivel de lectura.

Born in 1905, Anna May Wong spent her childhood working in her family’s laundry in Los Angeles’s Chinatown. Whenever she could afford it, Anna May slipped off to the movies, escaping to a world of adventure, glamour, and excitement. After seeing a movie being filmed in her neighborhood, young Anna May was hooked. She decided she would become a movie star!

Anna May struggled to pursue an acting career in Hollywood in the 1930s. There were very few roles for Asian Americans, and many were demeaning and stereotypical. Anna May made the most of each limited part. She worked hard and always gave her best performance. Finally, after years of unfulfilling roles, Anna May began crusading for more meaningful roles for herself and other Asian American actors. Her spirited determination in the face of discrimination is an inspiration to all who must overcome obstacles so that their dreams may come true.

This chapter book includes black-and-white illustrations as well as sidebars on related subjects, a timeline, a glossary, and recommended reading. Perfect for readers looking to move from picture books to the next reading level.


About the Creators

Paula Yoo

Paula Yoo is an author and screenwriter whose children's books for Lee & Low include Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds, Shining Star, and several titles in the Confetti Kids series. Her titles have been recognized by the International Reading Association, the Texas Bluebonnet Award Masterlist, and Lee & Low's New Voices Award. She and her husband live in Los Angeles, California, where she works in television. You can visit her online at

Lin Wang

Lin Wang has illustrated several books for children, including Shining Star: The Anna May Wong Story and The Crane Girl for Lee & Low Books. She is a classically trained portrait painter with an MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design, and her work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show. Wang lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and their children.

Eida del Risco
Eida del Risco


  • Best Children's Books of the Year

    Bank Street College of Education

  • Carter G. Woodson Award

    National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)

  • CCBC Choices

    Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)


  • * "Excellent chapter book biography for elementary schoolers."

    - School Library Journal


  • ISBN 9781643797120
  • Price $11.95
  • Publication Date Sep 03, 2024
  • Trim Size 8.25 × 5.5 in
  • Weight 0.25 lbs
  • Page Count 64
  • Interests

  • Imprint Lee & Low Books
  • Audience Children
  • BISAC Category 1 JNF / Biography & Autobiography / Performing Arts
  • BISAC Category 2 JNF / Asian American & Pacific Islander
  • BISAC Category 3 JNF / History / United States / 20th Century
  • Themes Asian / Asian American / AAPI, Biography / Memoir, Courage, Cultural Diversity, Discrimination, Diversity, Dreams & Aspirations, Families, History & Civics, Identity / Self Esteem / Confidence, Immigration, Nonfiction, Overcoming Obstacles, Persistence / Grit, Spanish, United States History, Women's History
  • Languages Spanish
  • Reading Levels

  • Age Range Ages 8 - 12
  • Grade Range Grades 3 - 7
  • Guided Reading W
  • Spanish Guided Reading W
  • DRA 60
  • Interest Level Grades 3 - 7
  • Reading Level Grades 3 - 7
  • Bebop Reading Fluent
  • This Book is Included in These Collections: