La visión de Caballo Loco

(Crazy Horse's Vision)
By Joseph Bruchac, S. D. Nelson

La verdadera historia del gran guerrero Sioux que, de joven, desafía la tradición y busca una visión propia con la esperanza de salvar a su pueblo.

The true story of the great Sioux warrior who, as a young boy, defies tradition and seeks a vision on his own in hopes of saving his people.

Front cover for Crazy Horse's Vision by Joseph Bruchac and S. D. Nelson
This book is also available in English
Crazy Horse’s Vision
By Joseph Bruchac, S. D. Nelson


Caballo Loco (o Crazy Horse) es uno de los héroes indígenas más conocidos. Sin embargo, mucha gente no sabe que su nombre de niño era Rizos, inspirado por su cabello rizado.

Rizos fue un líder incluso cuando era un niño, domaba caballos salvajes y cazaba poderosos búfalos. Pero toda su valentía no pudo prepararlo para los problemas que él y los otros Lakotas enfrentarían con los colonos blancos. Queriendo ayudar a su gente después de una feroz batalla que hirió de muerte al jefe Oso Conquistador, Rizos desafió la costumbre tradicional y arriesgó su propia vida al huir a las colinas en busca de una visión.

El renombrado autor abenaki, Joseph Bruchac, cuenta una historia apasionante y convincente de cómo el joven dedicado, Rizos, se convierte en el valiente guerrero Caballo Loco. El artista sioux S.D. Nelson, con pinturas inspiradas en el estilo de libro de contabilidad de pueblos nativos de las llanuras, evoca el drama y la tragedia de una figura importante en la historia estadounidense.

Crazy Horse is among the best known Native American heroes. Yet many people do not know his boyhood name was Curly, inspired by his curly hair.

Curly was a leader even as a young boy, taming wild horses and hunting powerful buffalo. But all his bravery could not prepare him for the trouble he and the other Lakota Indians would face with the white settlers. Wanting to help his people after a fierce battle that mortally wounded Chief Conquering Bear, Curly defied traditional custom and risked his own life by running away, up to the hills, to seek a vision.

Renowned Abenaki author Joseph Bruchac tells a gripping and compelling story of how the dedicated young boy, Curly, grows into the brave warrior Crazy Horse. Sioux artist S.D. Nelson, with paintings inspired by the ledger book style of the Plains Indians, evokes the drama and tragedy of an important figure in American history.

About the Creators

Joseph Bruchac

Joseph Bruchac, a citizen of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation, is the author of more than 100 books for children and teens, including multiple picture books published by Lee & Low Books, and the young adult Killer of Enemies trilogy, which received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews. A Rockefeller Fellow and an NEA Poetry Writing Fellow, Bruchac has received numerous recognitions and awards over his long-standing career. In addition to writing, Bruchac is an editor at Greenfield Review Press, a literary publishing house he co-founded with his wife. He lives in Greenfield Center, New York. To find out more about him, visit

S. D. Nelson
S. D. Nelson

S.D. Nelson is an award-winning illustrator, whose work includes Lee & Low's Crazy Horse's Vision, Jim Thorpe's Bright Path, and Quiet Hero. He is also the author and illustrator of many picture book stories inspired by the traditions of his Lakota heritage--including Gift Horse, winner of the Parents' Choice Award, and The Star People, an Oppenheim Gold Award winner. A former middle school art teacher, Nelson is now a full-time artist whose paintings are held in both private and public collections. He is of Lakota (Sioux) descent and lives with his wife in Chandler, Arizona. Visit him online at


  • Teachers' Choices

    International Literacy Association (ILA)

  • Best Children's Books of the Year

    Bank Street College of Education

  • CCBC Choices

    Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)


  • * "Inspired by the ledger-book art of the Plains Indians, Nelson paints his figures with stylized forms, chiseled features, and indistinct expressions, adding realistic depth of field but giving Crazy Horse blue skin to emphasize his connection to the spirit world. . . This makes inspirational reading and affords a glimpse into the heart of a renowned American leader."

    - Kirkus Reviews
  • "Sioux artist Nelson blends contemporary and traditional elements for the striking illustrations that accompany this story of the legendary Lakota warrior. . . Bruchac's description of the vision quest is compelling, and his decision to limit his canvas to a few select events demonstrates his understanding of his audience"

    - Publishers Weekly
  • "Bruchac has created a memorable tale about Crazy Horse's childhood, capturing the spirit of one of the most dedicated and daring leaders among the Lakota. In beautiful illustrations inspired by the ledger book style of the Plains Indians, Sioux artist Nelson fills the pages with both action and quiet drama."

    - Booklist


  • ISBN 9781643797205
  • Price $13.95
  • Publication Date May 28, 2024
  • Trim Size 10.75 × 9 in
  • Weight 0.43125 lbs
  • Page Count 40
  • Interests

  • Imprint Lee & Low Books
  • Audience Children
  • BISAC Category 1 JNF / Biography & Autobiography /Cultural & Regional
  • BISAC Category 2 JNF / Native American
  • BISAC Category 3 JNF / History / United States / General
  • Themes Nonfiction
  • Languages Spanish
  • Reading Levels

  • Age Range Ages 6 - 10
  • Grade Range Grades 1 - 5
  • Guided Reading U
  • Spanish Guided Reading U
  • Spanish ATOS 3.7
  • DRA 44
  • Interest Level Grades 1 - 5
  • Lexile Level 650
  • Lexile Measurement 650L
  • Reading Level 3
  • Bebop Reading Fluent
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