Maximilian & the Lucha Libre Club (Max’s Lucha Libre Adventures #3) / Maximilian y el Club de Lucha Libre

A Bilingual Lucha Libre Thriller / Una novela bilingue de suspenso y lucha libre
By Xavier Garza

Maximilian & the Lucha Libre Club is the third book in Xavier Garza’s award-winning series Max’s Lucha Libre Adventures. Sixth-grader Max joins the Lucha Libre Club. Grab your masks and let the action begin! POW!

Maximilian & the Lucha Libre Club es el tercer libro de la galardonada serie Max’s Lucha Libre Adventures por Xavier Garza. Max, estudiante de sexto grado, se une al Club de Lucha Libre. ¡Ponganse sus máscaras y que empiece la acción! ¡POW!


Cecilia, the love of Max’s life, has moved to Los Angeles, and the new girl in town, the green-eyed vixen named Paloma, is JUST a friend. At least, that’s how Max sees things. But despite what he thinks, the match is on between Cecilia and Paloma, both vying for the noble and wild heart that Max doesn’t quite understand he has. The trick is that Max lives a double life only Paloma knows about. While he looks like a nerdy sixth-grader, in reality he’s a prince, descended from royal blood. And his uncle is the most famous luchador of all time, the very king of lucha libre–the Guardian Angel. Will Paloma blow Max’s cover to Cecilia? Max sure hopes not!

Cecilia, el amor de la vida de Max, se mudó a Los Ángeles, y la chica nueva en la ciudad, la muchacha atractiva de ojos verdes llamada Paloma, es SOLO una amiga. Al menos, así es como Max ve las cosas. Pero, a pesar de lo que él piensa, Cecilia y Paloma están en la pelea, ambas compitiendo por el corazón noble y salvaje que Max no comprende completamente que tiene. El truco es que Max vive una doble vida que solo Paloma conoce. Si bien parece un nerd de sexto grado, en realidad es un príncipe, descendiente de sangre real. Y su tío es el luchador más famoso de todos los tiempos, el mismísimo rey de la lucha libre: el Ángel de la Guarda. ¿Paloma le revelará a Cecilia el secreto de Max? ¡Max verdaderamente espera que no!


About the Creators

Xavier Garza

Xavier Garza is a prolific author, artist, and storyteller whose work is a lively documentation of the dreams, superstitions, and heroes in the bigger-than-life world of South Texas. Garza has exhibited his art and performed his stories in venues throughout Texas, Arizona, and Washington state. He is also celebrated for his bilingual lucha libre picture books and chapter books, including the award-winning, four-book Max's Lucha Libre Adventures series. Garza lives with his family in San Antonio, Texas.


  • * "Middle-grade readers will be captivated by Max's story and Garza's exciting descriptions of the wrestling matches. . . Will be hard to wrestle from readers' hands."

    - Booklist
  • "Full of drama, suspense, and spectacle. . . An especially quick read for reluctant readers."

    - The Horn Book
  • "Garza excels at writing scenes full of awesome luchador action and high-octane antics. . . Pretty darn good fun."

    - Kirkus Reviews
  • "Filled with excitement and addresses the problems and everyday worries of kids like Max. . . Readers of all ages will discover wisdom within the story, especially in the character of Vampiro Velasquez, who reminds us that time passes for everyone."

    - School Library Journal


  • ISBN 9781941026410
  • Price $18.95
  • Publication Date Oct 25, 2016
  • Trim Size 9 × 6 in
  • Weight 0.8125 lbs
  • Page Count 240
  • Interests

  • Imprint Cinco Puntos Press
  • Audience Middle Grade
  • BISAC Category 1 JUV / Family / Multigenerational
  • BISAC Category 2 JUV / Sports & Recreation / Wrestling
  • BISAC Category 3 JUV / Boys & Men
  • Themes Bilingual, Childhood Experiences and Memories, Conflict resolution, Cultural Diversity, Diversity, Fiction, Identity / Self Esteem / Confidence, Latinx / Latino / Hispanic, Middle Grade, Realistic Fiction, Spanish
  • Languages English, Spanish
  • Reading Levels

  • Age Range Ages 8 - 13
  • Grade Range Grades 3 - 7
  • Guided Reading U
  • Spanish Guided Reading V
  • ATOS Book Level 4.3
  • Spanish ATOS 3.3
  • DRA 44
  • Interest Level Grades 3 - 7
  • Lexile Level 670
  • Lexile Measurement 670L
  • Reading Level Grades 5 - 6
  • Bebop Reading Fluent
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