8 Books in this collection

Mexican Folk Art Series

Young readers will delight in learning about concepts, like the alphabet, opposites & colors, from this critically acclaimed picture book series featuring vibrant wood carvings and rhythmic text that's fun to read aloud in both English and Spanish.

Collection of 8 books: Original price was: $114.60.Current price is: $97.41.




Let's Work!

Count Me In!

Colores de la vida

Animal Talk


304 in stock

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Books in This Collection

  • Front cover for ¡Tocamos! by Cynthia Weill and Avelino Pérez
      Mexican Folk Art Music Makers in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
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      Mexican Folk Art Music Makers in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
      Young readers will delight in learning about a wide variety of musical instruments in English and Spanish through beautifully handcrafted sculptures from Oaxaca, Mexico.

      Los lectores jóvenes se deleitarán aprendiendo sobre una amplia variedad de instrumentos musicales en inglés y español a través de bellas esculturas hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México.

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    • ABeCedarios
      Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, K.B. Basseches, Moisés Jiménez, Armando Jiménez
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      Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, K.B. Basseches, Moisés Jiménez, Armando Jiménez
      A bilingual ABC book featuring beautiful, vibrant photographs of hand-carved animals from Oaxaca, Mexico.

      Un libro ABC bilingüe que presenta hermosas y vibrantes fotografías de animales tallados a mano de Oaxaca, México.

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    • Animal Talk
      Mexican Folk Art Animal Sounds in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, Rubí Fuentes, Efraín Broa
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
      Animal Talk

      Animal Talk

      Mexican Folk Art Animal Sounds in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, Rubí Fuentes, Efraín Broa
      From Oaxaca, Mexico, come vibrant wood carvings of animals that invite children to learn animal sounds in English and Spanish.

      Desde Oaxaca, México, vienen vibrantes tallados en madera de animales que invitan a los niños a aprender los sonidos de los animales en inglés y español.

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    • Colores de la vida
      Mexican Folk Art Colors in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
      Colores de la vida

      Colores de la vida

      Mexican Folk Art Colors in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
      Imaginatively colored and adorned animals handcrafted in Oaxaca, Mexico, help teach children a rainbow of colors in English and Spanish.

      Animales adornados y de colores imaginativos hechos a mano en Oaxaca, México, ayudan a enseñar a los niños un arcoíris de colores en inglés y español.

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    • Count Me In!
      A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, The Aguilar Sisters
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
      Count Me In!

      Count Me In!

      A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, The Aguilar Sisters
      Handcrafted clay figures from Oaxaca, Mexico, invite children to join a parade as they count from one to ten in English and Spanish.

      Figuras de barro hechas a mano en Oaxaca, México, invitan a los niños a unirse a un desfile mientras cuentan del uno al diez en inglés y español.

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    • Let's Work!
      Mexican Folk Art Trabajos in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, The Master Artisans of Chigmecatitlán
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
      Let's Work!

      Let's Work!

      Mexican Folk Art Trabajos in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, The Master Artisans of Chigmecatitlán
      From Puebla, Mexico, come adorable miniature palm weavings of people at work that invite children to learn about occupations in English and Spanish.

      Desde Puebla, México, vienen adorables tejidos de palmeras en miniatura de personas en el trabajo que invitan a los niños a aprender sobre ocupaciones en inglés y español.

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    • Opuestos
      Mexican Folk Art Opposites in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, Martín Santiago, Quirino Santiago
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      Mexican Folk Art Opposites in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill, Martín Santiago, Quirino Santiago
      Happy hand-painted animals from Oaxaca, Mexico, teach kids about opposites in two languages!

      ¡Felices animales pintados a mano de Oaxaca, México, enseña a los niños sobre los opuestos en este encantador libro bilingüe!

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    • Vámonos
      Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
      This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


      Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish
      By Cynthia Weill
      Young readers will enjoy this fun and vibrant bilingual introduction to different forms of transportation. This installment in author Cynthia Weill's acclaimed Mexican Folk Art series is a colorful adventure in English and Spanish, illustrated with handmade painted sculptures.

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