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Pitch Black
By Youme Nguyen Ly- Paperback$17.95
Pitch Black
By Youme Nguyen LyView DetailsIn this short graphic novel, acclaimed author Youme joins with Anthony Horton to tell the true story of how Anthony lived and created art underneath the New York City subway system.
Indio no más
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell, Luisana Duarte Armendáriz- Paperback$15.95
Indio no más
By Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell, Luisana Duarte ArmendárizView DetailsCuando la tribu Umpqua de Regina es terminada legalmente y su familia debe mudarse de Oregón a Los Ángeles, ella se embarca en una búsqueda para comprender su identidad como india a pesar de estar tan lejos de casa.
When Regina's Umpqua tribe is legally terminated and her family must relocate from Oregon to Los Angeles, she goes on a quest to understand her identity as an Indian despite being so far from home.
Dream Carver / El tallador de sueños
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone- Paperback$12.95
Dream Carver / El tallador de sueños
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova BooneView DetailsPink goats, blue rabbits, and purple cats--oh my! Manuel has the determination and imagination to create them all!
Cabras rosas, conejos azules y gatos morados--¡que maravilla! ¡Manuel tiene las ganas e imaginación para crearlo todo!
Fresh Juice
By Robert Liu-Trujillo- Hardcover$19.95
Fresh Juice
By Robert Liu-TrujilloView DetailsWhat makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
Jugo Fresco
By Robert Liu-Trujillo, Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz- Paperback$12.95
Jugo Fresco
By Robert Liu-Trujillo, Rita E. Urquijo-RuizView DetailsQué contiene un jugo que mantiene a todos saludables? ¡Art y su papa descubren que necesitan zanahorias... col berza... chile de árbol... y una comunidad!
What makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots... collards... cayenne... and community!
Fifteen Adventures Alongside Disabled AthletesBy Patty Cisneros Prevo, Dion MBD- Hardcover$20.95
Fifteen Adventures Alongside Disabled AthletesBy Patty Cisneros Prevo, Dion MBDView DetailsMeet fifteen remarkable athletes who use adaptive equipment in this beautiful and truth-telling picture book.
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle- Hardcover$24.95
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie MayleView DetailsFourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia Molinari- Hardcover$24.95
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia MolinariView DetailsTaína, una joven de catorce años, acaba de enterarse que es descendiente de una larga línea de fuertes mujeres taínas. ¿Pero, le ayudará esto a traer paz y justicia a su familia y comunidad?
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Breaking to the Beat!
By Linda J. Acevedo, Frank Morrison- Hardcover$19.95
Breaking to the Beat!
By Linda J. Acevedo, Frank MorrisonView DetailsA boogie-down picture book about a shy boy named Manolo who overcomes his fears and insecurities to become part of a new innovative dance style called breaking.
Once Around the Block / Una vuelta a la manzana
By José Lozano- Paperback$10.95
Once Around the Block / Una vuelta a la manzana
By José LozanoView DetailsA bilingual ABCs book that fills you in on all the fun neighborhood chatter!
Un libro bilingüe del abecedario que te pone al corriente del chisme divertido del vecindario!
Mèo and Bé
By Doan Phuong Nguyen, Jesse White- Hardcover$21.95
Mèo and Bé
By Doan Phuong Nguyen, Jesse WhiteView DetailsJust before the United States enters the Vietnam War, eleven-year-old Bé and her three-footed kitten Mèo must rise above the injustices of war to find the comfort, safety, and love of a found family.
I Can Be... Me!
By Lesléa Newman, Maya Gonzalez- Hardcover$19.95
I Can Be... Me!
By Lesléa Newman, Maya GonzalezView DetailsA joyful picture book centering nonbinary young people and celebrating children's freedom to express themselves through play from beloved creators Lesléa Newman and Maya Gonzalez.
The Talent Show (Confetti Kids #11)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezPaperback:$10.95Original price was: $10.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.- Hardcover$15.95
- Paperback$9.95
The Talent Show (Confetti Kids #11)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsDiscounted pricing is only valid via credit card checkout at Discounts cannot be applied to any books under the Bebop Books® imprint, and may not be combined with other offers.
In this book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-Benitez- Paperback$10.95
La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Henry está nervioso por bailar para la muestra de talentos de la escuela.
In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
Un adiós especial (Confetti Kids #12)
(A Special Goodbye, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-Benitez- Paperback$10.95
Un adiós especial (Confetti Kids #12)
(A Special Goodbye, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Mei aprende cómo sobrellevar el cierre de la tienda de sus padres con la ayuda de sus mejores amigos.
In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Mei learns how to cope with the closing of her parents' flower shop with the help of her best friends.
A Special Goodbye (Confetti Kids #12)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-Benitez- Hardcover$15.95
- Paperback$10.95
A Special Goodbye (Confetti Kids #12)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsIn this book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Mei learns how to cope with the closing of her parents' flower shop with the help of her best friends.
By Nisi Shawl- Hardcover$19.95
By Nisi ShawlView DetailsA wonderful middle-grade fantasy debut about Black families, family history, family curses ... and a really marvelous pair of spectacles.
Mamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy Hale- Paperback$12.95
Mamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsEn Tanzania, una niña aprende lo que es cuidar a sus hermanitos y descubre lo difícil que es ser mamá.
El frasco de Juna
(Juna's Jar)By Jane Park, Felicia Hoshino- Paperback$12.95
El frasco de Juna
(Juna's Jar)By Jane Park, Felicia HoshinoView DetailsGanador del premio New Voices de Lee & Low, El frasco de Juna es una conmovedora y caprichosa celebración de la amistad y el poder de la imaginación.
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy Trumbore- Paperback$14.95
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreView DetailsUn libro ilustrado de no ficción sobre la historia de Puerto Rico y la cotorra puertorriqueña, que se recuperó del borde de la extinción.
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