
Sparkle Boy

By Lesléa Newman
Illustrated by Maria Mola

Hardcover: out of stock


Casey loves to play with his blocks, puzzles, and dump truck, and he also loves things that shimmer, glitter, and sparkle. Casey’s older sister, Jessie, thinks this is weird. Shimmery, glittery, sparkly things are only for girls. Right?

When Casey and Jessie head to the library for story time, Casey proudly wears his shimmery skirt and sparkly bracelet. His nails glitter in the light. Jessie insists that Casey looks silly. It’s one thing to dress like this around the house, but going outside as a “sparkle boy” is another thing entirely. What will happen when the other kids see him?

This sweet and refreshing story speaks to us all about acceptance, respect, and the simple freedom to be yourself. Shimmery, glittery, sparkly things are fun—for everyone!

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About the Creators

Thumb_leslea_newman_2015_copy Lesléa Newman - Author

Lesléa Newman is the author of eighty books for readers of all ages. She has received numerous awards for her work, including two Stonewall Book Award Honors, two National Jewish Book Awards, the Massachusetts Book Award, and a creative writing fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. From 2008–2010, she served as the poet laureate of Northampton, MA. Visit her online at

Thumb_maria_mola_picture Maria Mola

Maria Mola has illustrated picture books for publishers in both Europe and the United States, and her images are notable for their expressiveness and sense of whimsy. Mola was drawn to the story in Sparkle Boy because she believes it addresses a socially important topic. A native of Barcelona, Spain, Mola now lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with her husband and their two sons. You can visit her online at