A Sky That Sings
By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily MendozaA Sky That Sings
By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily MendozaView DetailsMia, a blind girl who enjoys identifying birds by their distinct calls and songs, leads her aunt through the park on a bird-listening adventure!
A Toucan Can Can You?
By Danny AdlermanA Toucan Can Can You?
By Danny AdlermanView DetailsFans of How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck? rejoice! Here's an all new volume of tongue-twisting compound words, guaranteed to tickle your fancy! You'll laugh! You'll cry! Well...OK, maybe not, but you'll have lots of fun reading this book, poring through illustrations by thirteen different artists (including two fresh, new faces to the children's book scene!), and listening to an all new audio rendition of this new collection. So how much time will you spend reading, looking at, and listening to this book? As much time as you can! And if you're still dizzy from the first array of compound words and inverse descriptives...well, fasten your seat belts-the ride begins anew!
Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerSemillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsUna biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreView DetailsUn libro ilustrado de no ficción sobre la historia de Puerto Rico y la cotorra puertorriqueña, que se recuperó del borde de la extinción.
El ciclo del arroz, el ciclo de la vida
Un cuento sobre la agricultura sostenible (Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable Farming)By Jan ReynoldsEl ciclo del arroz, el ciclo de la vida
Un cuento sobre la agricultura sostenible (Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable Farming)By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsCon fotografías exuberantes y texto cautivador, Jan Reynolds explora el mundo tradicional del cultivo de arroz en la hermosa isla de Bali.
El mangle
Sembrando árboles para alimentar familias (The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreEl mangle
Sembrando árboles para alimentar familias (The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreView DetailsLa fascinante historia del Dr. Gordon Sato, quien ayudó a una pequeña aldea africana a ser autosuficiente plantando un bosque de manglares para remodelar el ecosistema de la comunidad.