A Sky That Sings
By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily MendozaA Sky That Sings
By Anita Sanchez, George Steele, Emily MendozaView DetailsMia, a blind girl who enjoys identifying birds by their distinct calls and songs, leads her aunt through the park on a bird-listening adventure!
A Toucan Can Can You?
By Danny AdlermanA Toucan Can Can You?
By Danny AdlermanView DetailsFans of How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck? rejoice! Here's an all new volume of tongue-twisting compound words, guaranteed to tickle your fancy! You'll laugh! You'll cry! Well...OK, maybe not, but you'll have lots of fun reading this book, poring through illustrations by thirteen different artists (including two fresh, new faces to the children's book scene!), and listening to an all new audio rendition of this new collection. So how much time will you spend reading, looking at, and listening to this book? As much time as you can! And if you're still dizzy from the first array of compound words and inverse descriptives...well, fasten your seat belts-the ride begins anew!
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezEn estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezView DetailsMinerva esta encargada de sus hermanas después de la desaparición de su madre en estamágica historia argentina de medio grado que combina perfectamente con la historia de Peter Pan.
Minerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical Argentinean middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
Los nachos de Nacho
(Nacho's Nachos)By Sandra Nickel, Oliver DominguezView DetailsLa deliciosa historia real de un chef inventivo y los eventos casuales que llevaron a la creación del bocadillo favorito del mundo: ¡los nachos!
The delicious true story of an inventive chef and the serendipitous events that led to the creation of the world's favorite snack--nachos!
¿Quieren jugar? (Confetti Kids #2)
(Want to Play?, Dive Into Reading)By Paula Yoo, Shirley Ng-Benitez¿Quieren jugar? (Confetti Kids #2)
(Want to Play?, Dive Into Reading)By Paula Yoo, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este libro de la popular serie Confetti Kids, Pablo y sus amigos se divierten en el parque, pero no pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre el juego perfecto para todos.
In this early chapter book, part of the Confetti Kids series, a diverse group of kids decide to play pretend. There's no limit to what they imagine they can be!
Dream Carver / El tallador de sueños
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova BooneDream Carver / El tallador de sueños
By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova BooneView DetailsPink goats, blue rabbits, and purple cats--oh my! Manuel has the determination and imagination to create them all!
Cabras rosas, conejos azules y gatos morados--¡que maravilla! ¡Manuel tiene las ganas e imaginación para crearlo todo!