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La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison- Paperback$13.95
La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank MorrisonView DetailsGalardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Award, una biografía de la virtuosa del jazz afroamericana Melba Doretta Liston, una trombonista, compositora y arreglista musical pionera del siglo XX en una época en la que pocas mujeres tocaban instrumentos y formaban parte de la escena del jazz.
Recipient of the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor award, a biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied Méndez- Paperback$19.95
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezView DetailsMinerva esta encargada de sus hermanas después de la desaparición de su madre en estamágica historia argentina de medio grado que combina perfectamente con la historia de Peter Pan.
Minerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical Argentinean middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
Fiesta en el barrio (Confetti Kids #3)
(Block Party, Dive Into Reading)By Gwendolyn Hooks, Shirley Ng-Benitez- Paperback$10.95
Fiesta en el barrio (Confetti Kids #3)
(Block Party, Dive Into Reading)By Gwendolyn Hooks, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este libro de la popular serie Confetti Kids, a Padma le preocupa que a sus amigos no les guste el plato especial que va a preparar su madre para la fiesta en el barrio.
In this early chapter book, part of the Confetti Kids series, the neighborhood is having a block party and Padma worries that her friends won't like her mom's lentil soup.
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle- Hardcover$24.95
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie MayleView DetailsFourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia Molinari- Hardcover$24.95
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia MolinariView DetailsTaína, una joven de catorce años, acaba de enterarse que es descendiente de una larga línea de fuertes mujeres taínas. ¿Pero, le ayudará esto a traer paz y justicia a su familia y comunidad?
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
The Talent Show (Confetti Kids #11)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezPaperback:$10.95Original price was: $10.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.- Hardcover$15.95
- Paperback$9.95
The Talent Show (Confetti Kids #11)
(Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsDiscounted pricing is only valid via credit card checkout at Discounts cannot be applied to any books under the Bebop Books® imprint, and may not be combined with other offers.
In this book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-Benitez- Paperback$10.95
La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)
(The Talent Show, Dive Into Reading)By Samantha Thornhill, Shirley Ng-BenitezView DetailsEn este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Henry está nervioso por bailar para la muestra de talentos de la escuela.
In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.
Mamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy Hale- Paperback$12.95
Mamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsEn Tanzania, una niña aprende lo que es cuidar a sus hermanitos y descubre lo difícil que es ser mamá.
The Turquoise Room / El cuarto turquesa
By Monica Brown, Adriana M. Garcia- Hardcover$20.95
The Turquoise Room / El cuarto turquesa
By Monica Brown, Adriana M. GarciaView DetailsBestselling author Monica Brown takes us on a magical journey into the lives of generations of creative women in her family in this gorgeously illustrated bilingual picture book.
Monica Brown, exitosa autora, nos lleva a un viaje mágico en la vida de generaciones de mujeres creativas en su familia en este libro bilingüe bellamente ilustrado.
Blessing's Bead
By Debby Dahl Edwardson- Paperback$15.95
Blessing's Bead
By Debby Dahl EdwardsonView DetailsNow in paperback: the acclaimed middle-grade novel tracing four generations of an Iñupiaq family in Alaska, which the Washington Post praised as "a rare and beautiful book."
That Summer Night on Frenchmen Street
By Chris Clarkson- Hardcover$21.95
That Summer Night on Frenchmen Street
By Chris ClarksonView DetailsSet in magical New Orleans, two teens from vastly different worlds discover that sharing their strengths, including the love of their friends and family, may just be the path to finding wholeness within themselves.
¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández- Paperback$6.50
¡No me quiero bañar!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsA Diego no le gusta bañarse. Lee este cuento para que veas qué le pasa.
Diego doesn't like to take baths. Read this story to find out what happens to him.
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Alicia's Butterflies
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio Ramirez- Paperback$8.50
Alicia's Butterflies
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsAlicia has blue, yellow, and red thread. Look inside this book to see how she uses the thread to make special butterflies.
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Off to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández- Paperback$6.50
Off to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsIt's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
Sweet Memories
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez- Paperback$8.50
Sweet Memories
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsA woman has sweet memories of childhood visits to her grandparents' home. Read this story to find out what they are.
Las mariposas de Alicia
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio Ramirez- Paperback$8.50
Las mariposas de Alicia
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Sergio RamirezView DetailsAlicia tiene hilo azul, amarillo y rojo. Mira dentro para que veas cómo usa el hilo para hacer mariposas especiales.
Alicia has blue, yellow, and red thread. Look inside this book to see how she uses the thread to make special butterflies.
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¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández- Paperback$6.50
¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEs hora de que Rosita se vaya a la cama. Lee este libro para que veas lo que ella hace y cuanto tiempo le toma.
It's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
Dulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez- Paperback$8.50
Dulces recuerdos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUna mujer tiene dulces recuerdos de sus visitas a la casa de sus abuelos durante su niñez. Lee este cuento para que veas qué son.
A woman has sweet memories of childhood visits to her grandparents' home. Read this story to find out what they are.
I Don't Want a Bath!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández- Paperback$6.50
I Don't Want a Bath!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsDiego doesn't like to take baths. Read this story to find out what happens to him.
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Lupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-Greene- Paperback$8.50
Lupita y David
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsLupita y David no le hicieron caso a su mamá.Lee esta versión de Hansel y Gretel para que veas lo que les pasó.
Lupita and David did not obey their mother. Read this retelling of "Hansel and Gretel" to find out what happened to them.
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