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Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler- Paperback$13.95
Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsUna biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied Méndez- Paperback$19.95
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezView DetailsMinerva esta encargada de sus hermanas después de la desaparición de su madre en estamágica historia argentina de medio grado que combina perfectamente con la historia de Peter Pan.
Minerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical Argentinean middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
Seven Golden Rings
A Tale of Music and MathBy Rajani LaRocca, Archana Sreenivasan- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$12.95
Seven Golden Rings
A Tale of Music and MathBy Rajani LaRocca, Archana SreenivasanView DetailsIn this clever, convivial picture book, an Indian boy untangles a mathematical conundrum to win a place at the Rajah's court.
On These Magic Shores
By Yamile Saied Méndez- Hardcover$19.95
On These Magic Shores
By Yamile Saied MéndezView DetailsMinerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
The Wind Called My Name
By Mary Louise Sanchez- Hardcover$20.95
The Wind Called My Name
By Mary Louise SanchezView DetailsIn this heartwarming historical middle-grade set in the 1930s -- perfect for fans of Esperanza Rising and Hattie Big Sky-- Margarita Sandoval and her family try to navigate the shifting winds of belonging in their new Wyoming town.
By Supriya Kelkar- Hardcover$21.95
By Supriya KelkarView DetailsIn this historical middle-grade novel, Gandhi asks for one member of each family to join the fight for independence from the British, and when Anjali's mother is jailed for doing so, Anjali must step out of her comfort zone to take over her mother's work.
Calling the Water Drum
By LaTisha Redding, Aaron Boyd- HardcoverOut of stock
- Paperback$10.95
Calling the Water Drum
By LaTisha Redding, Aaron BoydView DetailsA moving story about a family's attempt to flee Haiti in a boat, and a young boy who bravely learns to navigate a new world through playing his drum.
Rainbow Weaver / Tejedora del arcoíris
By Linda Elovitz Marshall, Elisa Chavarri- Hardcover$20.95
Rainbow Weaver / Tejedora del arcoíris
By Linda Elovitz Marshall, Elisa ChavarriView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. A young Mayan girl isn't allowed to use her mother's thread to weave, so with a little ingenuity she discovers how to repurpose plastic bags to create colorful weavings. Based on an actual recycling movement in Guatemala.
The Cambodian CinderellaBy Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Eddie Flotte- Paperback$11.95
The Cambodian CinderellaBy Dr. Jewell Reinhart Coburn, Eddie FlotteView DetailsPart of the Cinderella Around the World series, this picture book offers a Cambodian take on Cinderella.
Calling the Doves / El canto de las palomas
By Juan Felipe Herrera, Elly Simmons- Paperback$11.95
Calling the Doves / El canto de las palomas
By Juan Felipe Herrera, Elly SimmonsView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Calling the Doves is Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera's story of his migrant farmworker childhood.
Lakas and the Makibaka Hotel
By Anthony D. Robles, Carl Angel- Paperback$11.95
Lakas and the Makibaka Hotel
By Anthony D. Robles, Carl AngelView DetailsIn this bilingual English-Tagalog story set in the US, Lakas, an all-American boy of Filipino descent, helps his new friends fight eviction from their home .
Armando and the Blue Tarp School
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán Sosa- Paperback$11.95
Armando and the Blue Tarp School
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán SosaView DetailsThe story of a young Mexican boy living in a colonia (trash dump community) who takes the first steps toward realizing his dream of getting an education.
Armando y la escuela de lona azul
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán Sosa- Paperback$12.95
Armando y la escuela de lona azul
By Edith Hope Fine, Judith Josephson, Hernán SosaView DetailsIn Spanish. The story of a young Mexican boy living in a colonia (trash dump community) who takes the first steps toward realizing his dream of getting an education.
Killer of Enemies
By Joseph Bruchac- Paperback$15.95
Killer of Enemies
By Joseph BruchacView DetailsA post-Apocalyptic YA novel with a steampunk twist, based on an Apache legend.
Awakening (Tankborn #2)
A Tankborn NovelBy Karen Sandler- Paperback$16.95
Awakening (Tankborn #2)
A Tankborn NovelBy Karen SandlerView DetailsBefore Kayla can free her fellow GENs from enslavement, she must save them from a deadly virus.
Get Set! Swim!
By Jeannine Atkins, Hector Viveros Lee- Paperback$11.95
Get Set! Swim!
By Jeannine Atkins, Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsThe day of the big swim meet has finally arrived, and Jessenia is excited, but a bit worried too.
A Movie in My Pillow / Una película en mi almohada
By Jorge Argueta, Elizabeth Gomez- Paperback$11.95
A Movie in My Pillow / Una película en mi almohada
By Jorge Argueta, Elizabeth GomezView DetailsHardcover available January 1, 2100
Bilingual English/Spanish. Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador.
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya Gonzalez- Paperback$11.95
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
By Amada Irma Perez, Maya GonzalezView DetailsBilingual English/Spanish. Five brothers, two parents, and a house full of visiting relatives make a young Mexican American girl feel crowded.
Going Back Home
An Artist Returns to the SouthBy Toyomi Igus, Michele Wood- Paperback$11.95
Going Back Home
An Artist Returns to the SouthBy Toyomi Igus, Michele WoodView DetailsMore than half a century after her family moved North to find a better life, artist Michele Wood returned to the South to see and experience the land where her ancestors lived, struggled, and thrived.
Love Twelve Miles Long
By Glenda Armand, Colin BootmanLove Twelve Miles Long
By Glenda Armand, Colin BootmanView DetailsA moving story about young Frederick Douglass and his mother, who walks twelve miles at night from a nearby plantation to visit him.
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