Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerSemillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsUna biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
En estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezEn estas tierras mágicas
By Yamile Saied MéndezView DetailsMinerva esta encargada de sus hermanas después de la desaparición de su madre en estamágica historia argentina de medio grado que combina perfectamente con la historia de Peter Pan.
Minerva must take care of her sisters after her mother's disappearance in this magical Argentinean middle grade story that pairs perfectly with Peter Pan.
Kicked Out
By A. M. DassuKicked Out
By A. M. DassuView DetailsIn this stand-alone companion novel to the acclaimed Boy, Everywhere, A. M. Dassu returns to extend the story of Sami's best friend Ali, who organizes a charity soccer match for their friend Aadam while his whole life is privately unraveling.
When a Brown Girl Flees
By Aamna QureshiWhen a Brown Girl Flees
By Aamna QureshiView DetailsIn this searing contemporary YA novel from new voice Aamna Qureshi, a Muslim teen runs away from home only to find herself on a breathtaking journey of healing, self-love, and hope.
Connor Kissed Me
By Zehava, Sarah K. TurnerConnor Kissed Me
By Zehava, Sarah K. TurnerView DetailsIn this empowering picture book, Miriam navigates her confusion about an unprovoked kiss--finding her voice and using it to assert her personal boundaries.
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie MayleThe Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie MayleView DetailsFourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia MolinariClaro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia MolinariView DetailsTaína, una joven de catorce años, acaba de enterarse que es descendiente de una larga línea de fuertes mujeres taínas. ¿Pero, le ayudará esto a traer paz y justicia a su familia y comunidad?
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Mamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleMamá Elizabeti
By Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Christy HaleView DetailsEn Tanzania, una niña aprende lo que es cuidar a sus hermanitos y descubre lo difícil que es ser mamá.
Cotorras sobre Puerto Rico
(Parrots Over Puerto Rico)By Susan L. Roth, Cindy TrumboreView DetailsUn libro ilustrado de no ficción sobre la historia de Puerto Rico y la cotorra puertorriqueña, que se recuperó del borde de la extinción.
Echoes of Grace
By Guadalupe García McCallEchoes of Grace
By Guadalupe García McCallView DetailsIn this triumphant new novel, Pura Belpré Award-winning author Guadalupe García McCall explores sisterhood, family secrets, intergenerational trauma, life, and love in a modern Gothic setting with a magical realist twist.
That Summer Night on Frenchmen Street
By Chris ClarksonThat Summer Night on Frenchmen Street
By Chris ClarksonView DetailsSet in magical New Orleans, two teens from vastly different worlds discover that sharing their strengths, including the love of their friends and family, may just be the path to finding wholeness within themselves.
The Sky We Shared
By Shirley Reva VernickThe Sky We Shared
By Shirley Reva VernickView DetailsIn this thoughtful and deftly woven WWII novel, an American and Japanese teen with lives on opposite ends of the world discover that hate for an "enemy" leaves a heavy heart.
Off to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezOff to Bed!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsIt's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández¡A la cama!
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEs hora de que Rosita se vaya a la cama. Lee este libro para que veas lo que ella hace y cuanto tiempo le toma.
It's time for Rosie to go to bed. Read this book to see what she does and how long it takes.
Donde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneDonde yo aprendo
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsUn niño aprende diferentes cosas en diferentes lugares. Lee para que veas a dónde va y que aprende.
A boy learns different things in different places. Read to find out where he goes and what he learns.
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Where I Learn
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneWhere I Learn
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsA boy learns different things in different places. Read to find out where he goes and what he learns.
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El ciclo del arroz, el ciclo de la vida
Un cuento sobre la agricultura sostenible (Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable Farming)By Jan ReynoldsEl ciclo del arroz, el ciclo de la vida
Un cuento sobre la agricultura sostenible (Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable Farming)By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsCon fotografías exuberantes y texto cautivador, Jan Reynolds explora el mundo tradicional del cultivo de arroz en la hermosa isla de Bali.
Black Was the Ink
By Michelle Coles, Justin JohnsonBlack Was the Ink
By Michelle Coles, Justin JohnsonView DetailsThrough the help of a ghostly ancestor, sixteen-year-old Malcolm is sent on a journey through Reconstruction-era America to find his place in modern-day Black progress.
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