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Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler- Paperback$13.95
Semillas de cambio
Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsUna biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.
A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
Treinta me habla de amor
By Alessandra Narváez Varela- Paperback$17.95
Treinta me habla de amor
By Alessandra Narváez VarelaView DetailsUna niña de 13 años en Ciudad Juárez, México recibe la visita de una versión futura de ella misma de 30 años en esta novela poderosa para adultos jóvenes en verso sobre cómo manejar la depresión.
A 13-year-old girl growing up in Mexico is visited by her 30-year-old future self in this powerful YA novel in verse about handling depression.
Mercedes Sosa
Voice of the PeopleBy Aixa Pérez-Prado- Hardcover$20.95
Mercedes Sosa
Voice of the PeopleBy Aixa Pérez-PradoView DetailsA stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.
Mercedes Sosa
La voz del puebloBy Aixa Pérez-Prado- Hardcover$20.95
Mercedes Sosa
La voz del puebloBy Aixa Pérez-PradoView DetailsUna conmovedora biografía ilustrada de una de las cantantes y defensoras de derechos humanos más queridas de América Latina, Mercedes Sosa.
A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.
La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong
(The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong)By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang, Eida del Risco- Paperback$11.95
La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong
(The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong)By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang, Eida del RiscoView DetailsEsta entrada en la innovadora series de "Historia" de libros por capítulos biográficos se enfoca en Anna May Wong, cuya carrera pionera en Hollywood creó un nuevo camino para generaciones de actores asíatico-americanos.
This entry in the innovative "Story" line of chapter-book biographies focuses on Anna May Wong, whose trail-blazing career in Hollywood broke new ground for future generations of Asian American actors.
La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison- Paperback$13.95
La pequeña Melba y su gran trombón
(Little Melba and Her Big Trombone)By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank MorrisonView DetailsGalardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Award, una biografía de la virtuosa del jazz afroamericana Melba Doretta Liston, una trombonista, compositora y arreglista musical pionera del siglo XX en una época en la que pocas mujeres tocaban instrumentos y formaban parte de la escena del jazz.
Recipient of the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor award, a biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.
Behind My Doors
The Story of the World's Oldest LibraryBy Hena Khan, Nabila Adani- Hardcover$20.95
Behind My Doors
The Story of the World's Oldest LibraryBy Hena Khan, Nabila AdaniView DetailsCome learn about the oldest operating library in existence, which was originally founded by a Muslim woman in 859!
Miles of Style
Eunice W. Johnson and the EBONY Fashion FairBy Lisa D. Brathwaite, Lynn Gaines- Hardcover$20.95
Miles of Style
Eunice W. Johnson and the EBONY Fashion FairBy Lisa D. Brathwaite, Lynn GainesView DetailsA chic biography about Eunice W. Johnson who brought elegant and contemporary fashion to Black America through the annual EBONY Fashion Fair!
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia Molinari- Hardcover$24.95
Claro de luna (The Moonlit Vine)
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle, Cecilia MolinariView DetailsTaína, una joven de catorce años, acaba de enterarse que es descendiente de una larga línea de fuertes mujeres taínas. ¿Pero, le ayudará esto a traer paz y justicia a su familia y comunidad?
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie Mayle- Hardcover$24.95
The Moonlit Vine
By Elizabeth Santiago, McKenzie MayleView DetailsFourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
She Was the First!
The Trailblazing Life of Shirley ChisholmBy Katheryn Russell-Brown, Eric Velasquez- Hardcover$20.95
She Was the First!
The Trailblazing Life of Shirley ChisholmBy Katheryn Russell-Brown, Eric VelasquezView DetailsA timely, inspiring picture book biography of the dynamic twentieth-century educator, activist, and politician Shirley Chisholm.
The Story of Environmentalist Wangari Maathai
By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler- Paperback$9.95
The Story of Environmentalist Wangari Maathai
By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsThis inspiring entry in the "Story of" line of chapter-book biographies features Wangari Maathai, the first African woman, and environmentalist, to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong
By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang- Paperback$10.95
The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong
By Paula Yoo, Lin WangView DetailsThis entry in the innovative "Story" line of chapter-book biographies focuses on Anna May Wong, whose trail-blazing career in Hollywood broke new ground for future generations of Asian American actors.
The Story of World War II Hero Irena Sendler
By Marcia Vaughan Crews, Ron Mazellan- Paperback$10.95
The Story of World War II Hero Irena Sendler
By Marcia Vaughan Crews, Ron MazellanView DetailsThe "Story" chapter-book line debuts with this beautiful celebration of the life of Irena Sendler, a social worker who helped save nearly 2500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
Midnight Teacher
Lilly Ann Granderson and Her Secret SchoolBy Janet Halfmann, London Ladd- Hardcover$20.95
Midnight Teacher
Lilly Ann Granderson and Her Secret SchoolBy Janet Halfmann, London LaddView DetailsThis historical fiction picture book reveals the unknown story of Lilly Ann Granderson, an African-American teacher who risked her life to teach others during slavery.
Little Melba and Her Big Trombone
By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank Morrison- Hardcover$20.95
Little Melba and Her Big Trombone
By Katheryn Russell-Brown, Frank MorrisonView DetailsA biography of African American jazz virtuoso Melba Doretta Liston, a pioneering twentieth-century trombone player, composer, and music arranger at a time when few women, of any race, played brass instruments and were part of the jazz scene.
Dear Mrs. Parks
A Dialogue with Today's YouthBy Rosa Parks- Paperback$16.95
Dear Mrs. Parks
A Dialogue with Today's YouthBy Rosa ParksView DetailsHardcover available January 1, 2100
On a December day in 1955, Rosa Parks changed the course of history when she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.
Seeds of Change
Planting a Path to PeaceBy Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler- Hardcover$20.95
Seeds of Change
Planting a Path to PeaceBy Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn SadlerView DetailsA picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize (in 2004) for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.
In Her Hands
The Story of Sculptor Augusta SavageBy Alan Schroeder, JaeMe Bereal- Paperback$13.95
In Her Hands
The Story of Sculptor Augusta SavageBy Alan Schroeder, JaeMe BerealView DetailsA recreation of events from the childhood and early career of Augusta Savage, a pioneering female sculptor and major figure of the Harlem Renaissance.
Catching the Moon
The Story of a Young Girl's Baseball DreamBy Crystal Hubbard, Randy Duburke- Paperback$11.95
Catching the Moon
The Story of a Young Girl's Baseball DreamBy Crystal Hubbard, Randy DuburkeView DetailsThe spirited story of Marcenia Lyle, the African American girl who grew up to become "Toni Stone," the first woman to play for an all-male professional baseball team.
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