Three African American siblings are preparing their horse, Twister, for a horse show. Come see the tricks they teach Twister.
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Three African American siblings are preparing their horse, Twister, for a horse show. Come see the tricks they teach Twister.
Three African American siblings are preparing their horse, Twister, for a horse show. Come see the tricks they teach Twister.
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Francis McCall was born in Baltimore, Maryland. One of eleven children, Francis learned about photography from his mother, an avid picture taker with plenty of subjects. When Francis isn’t writing or taking pictures, he enjoys camping, hiking, and doing yoga. Francis and his wife, author/illustrator Patricia Keeler, live in Hoboken, New Jersey.
An African American girl wonders throughout the week when her loose front tooth will come out.
A celebration of the many different ways a multiracial group of seven friends braid their hair.
Pedro tiene una pizza. ¿Por qué crees que quiere más?
Pedro has a pizza. Why do you think he wants more?
On her way to the park, an African American girl sizes up herself and the world around her.