97 Books in this collection
Descubriendo la Lectura Bebop Books Collection
Lee & Low Books is proud to be the nation's largest publisher of multicultural children's books. With the launch of our new Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) Bebop Books collections, schools across the country will now be able to bring more equity, inclusion, and diversity into their Spanish classroom libraries. We will work with you to ensure your students have access to scores of authentic, culturally responsive, contemporary books at the levels they need in Spanish. These exclusive bundles of Bebop fiction and nonfiction titles in Spanish have been compiled to fill a Reading Recovery® and Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) teacher’s library. These titles have been field-tested and officially analyzed by certified Reading Recovery® teachers and can be found in the current approved book list published by Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA). (Search for the titles on RRCNA with the publisher listed as "Bebop Books" and "Lee & Low Books")
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Books in This Collection
¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. Senisi¡A contar calabazas!
By Ellen B. Senisi¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria¡Deliciosas manzanas!
By Tina Athaide, Farah Aria¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret Lindmark¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea
By Della Ross Ferreri, Margaret LindmarkView DetailsAfter making a birdfeeder as a school project a young Latino boy discovers that his creation attracts some unwanted attention.
¡Rico, rico estofado!
By Adjoa J. Burrowes¡Rico, rico estofado!
By Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsCome see what's cooking as an African American girl and her grandfather stir up a yummy batch of gumbo chock full of delicious ingredients.
¡Vaya calle!
By Barbara Shook Hazen, Doris Rodriguez¡Vaya calle!
By Barbara Shook Hazen, Doris RodriguezView DetailsAfter a street fair, a group of friends clean up and change their street from a messy street into a neat street.
¡Yo bailo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández¡Yo bailo!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView Details¿Qué necesita una niña para bailar? Aquí ella te lo va a decir.
Meet a girl who tells us all about the things she needs so that she is ready to dance.
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael Ramirez¡Zaz!
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee este libro para que veas qué le pasa a una mosquita necia. ¡Zaz!
Read this book to find out what happens to a sly fly that annoys a boy.
¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia Taylor¿Cómo ayudo?
By Gaylia Taylor¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko Takahashi¿Dónde está mi perrito?
By Caroline Hatton, Hideko TakahashiView DetailsA Vietnamese American boy searches all over the house for his puppy, who is always hiding just out of sight.
¿Grande o pequeño?
By Fonda Bell Miller, Shadra Strickland¿Grande o pequeño?
By Fonda Bell Miller, Shadra StricklandView DetailsOn her way to the park, an African American girl sizes up herself and the world around her.
¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa Cinelli¿Me dejas tener una mascota?
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Lisa CinelliView DetailsDuring a trip to the zoo, an African American girl tries to convince her mother to get her an exotic pet.
¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Puedes comer el arco iris?
By Anastasia Suen, Paul Colin¿Qué hora es?
By Christine Taylor-Butler, Sylvia L. Walker¿Qué hora es?
By Christine Taylor-Butler, Sylvia L. Walker¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo Figueredo¿Qué puede volar?
By Danilo Figueredo¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-Greene¿Qué sigue?
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView DetailsEn este libro tienes que adivinar qué sigue. ¿Podrás adivinar? ¿Por qué no lo intentas?
Here is a fun book about shapes and patterns. Can you guess what comes next.
Can you guess? Why don't you try and see?
¿Qué ves en la charca?
By Anastasia Suen, Aaron Boyd¿Qué ves en la charca?
By Anastasia Suen, Aaron BoydView DetailsA young Asian American boy and his mother see all kinds of animals in the pond. But there's something else the boy sees in the pond too-his own reflection!
Abu y Tata
By Mary Dixon Lake, Christiane KrömerAbu y Tata
By Mary Dixon Lake, Christiane KrömerView DetailsA young boy goes to visit his African American grandfather in the Southern United States and his Latino grandfather in the Caribbean. His two grandfathers may be different, but they have one special thing in common.
Aventura en el barrio Chino
By Laura E. WilliamsAventura en el barrio Chino
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsA young Chinese American girl is spending the day in Chinatown with her mother. With so many interesting things to buy, how will she spend her money?
Brilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezBrilla, brilla estrellita
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLee y aprende esta rima sobre las estrellas que brillan en el cielo.
Read and learn a fun rhyme about the shiny stars up in the sky.
Buenos amigos
By Tina Athaide, Maria Victoria TorreyBuenos amigos
By Tina Athaide, Maria Victoria TorreyView DetailsJoin two best friends, an Asian Indian boy and girl, as they spend an active day outdoors running, climbing, sliding, and more.
By Danell Dykstra, Josie Fonseca, Mary CappelliniCascarones
By Danell Dykstra, Josie Fonseca, Mary CappelliniView DetailsFollow along with these easy steps as a boy and girl demonstrate the Latino tradition of making cascarones. These confetti-filled eggs are fun to make and break!
Comemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinComemos arroz
By Min Hong, Grace LinView DetailsA Korean American girl and boy love rice so much they eat it all the time and in many different ways.
Conoce a mi familia
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezConoce a mi familia
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsEn este libro conocerás a la familia de una niña. ¿Quiénes forman parte de tu familia?
A young girl introduces us to all the members of her family.
Danza Africana
Al Ritmo del RedobleBy Patricia Keeler, Júlio LeitãoView DetailsJoin an African Dance troupe as they get ready for their show. See how they move and learn where the dances come from.
Diez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDiez ositos
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsAprende a contar con los diez ositos.
Learn to count with ten little bears.
Dinero para comprar un helado
By Anastasia Suen, Farah AriaDinero para comprar un helado
By Anastasia Suen, Farah AriaView DetailsComparing their different combinations of coins, three friends prepare to buy a yummy after-lunch treat in the school cafeteria.
Donde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezDonde vivo yo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsUn niño nos cuenta sobre el lugar donde vive. ¿Es igual a donde vives tú?
Find out about the rooms in one boy's home. What rooms do you have in your home?
El caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezEl caldo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, John MartinezView DetailsQué sabroso es el caldo. ¿Sabes qué contiene? Este libro te lo dirá.
This book tells you about some of the ingredients that can be used to make a yummy soup.
El dashiki
By Gaylia Taylor, Cathy Ann JohnsonEl dashiki
By Gaylia Taylor, Cathy Ann JohnsonView DetailsDad buys himself a colorful West African dashiki, but thanks to some hot water and the washing machine, the dashiki quickly becomes his son's shirt.
El desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisEl desfile del dragón dorado
By Anastasia Suen, Priscilla BurrisEl día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezEl día de la limpieza
By Danilo Figueredo, Loretta LopezView DetailsWhile helping her father with cleaning day chores, a Cuban American girl's best intentions sometime have humorous results.
El lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeEl lei de Kama
By Robin Montgomery, Carla GolembeView DetailsKama's aunt is coming to visit him in Hawaii and he wants to make her the perfect present-a lei. But when the tree in his yard only has three flowers left, he has to come up with a creative solution.
El primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasEl primer día de escuela
By Gaylia Taylor, Alexandra ArtigasView DetailsFrom saying goodbye to Mom to finding a new friend, a young Latino boy experiences a range of emotions on his very first day of school.
El silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnEl silbido de Ruby
By Renee Londner, Laurent LinnView DetailsRuby can do lots of things, but she can't whistle. After many frustrating attempts, she finally learns from some very special teachers.
En el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksEn el parque
By Judy Nayer, Kayeri AkweksView DetailsA Mohawk boy visits the park and uses his five senses to discover the natural world around him.
En el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneEn el zoológico
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Has ido alguna vez al zoológico? Lee aquí sobre los animales que viven allí.
Have you ever been to a zoo? This book tells about some of the animals you may see at a zoo.
En la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleEn la estación de bomberos con papá
By Tina Athaide, Shachi KaleView DetailsAn Asian Indian boy joins his firefighter dad at work for the day. See what he does and who he meets at the fire station.
En la lavandería
By Karen Hjemboe, Shelly HehenbergerEn la lavandería
By Karen Hjemboe, Shelly HehenbergerView DetailsTwo Navajo children help their mom do the weekly wash at the laundromat.
En la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn la playa
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Puedes ver muchas cosas en la playa, pero ten cuidado con las cosas que quizás no veas!
You can see many things at the beach, but you also need to be careful about something you may not see!
En las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanEn las montañas
By Mary Cappellini, Cheryl NathanView DetailsA young Latina girl and her mother go on a nature hike through the mountains. They encounter many interesting animals along the way.
En mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezEn mi jardín
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView Details¡Hay muchos bichos en el jardín, pero ten cuidado! ¡Algunos quizás te den miedo!
Find out about some of the many bugs that you might see in a garden.
Esta es mi casa
By Jan ReynoldsEsta es mi casa
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet children from different lands.
See their different kinds of homes.
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiFotos
By Edith Hope Fine, Judy SakaguchiView DetailsA Japanese American girl plays on a trampoline while her grandfather tries to take her picture.
Gatos grandes, gatos pequeños
By Bernette FordGatos grandes, gatos pequeños
By Bernette FordHago cerámica
By Leslie Johnson, Bryn BarnardHago cerámica
By Leslie Johnson, Bryn BarnardView DetailsA Pueblo girl learns the traditional art of making pottery from her grandmother.
Hermana, hermana
By Anne Sibley O'BrienHermana, hermana
By Anne Sibley O'BrienView DetailsAll sisters are unique. Meet two Latina sisters who seem to have very different interests, and see what brings them together.
Huella de pescado
By Mary CappelliniHuella de pescado
By Mary CappelliniHuevos, huevos, huevos
By Aamir Lee BermissHuevos, huevos, huevos
By Aamir Lee BermissLa charreada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa charreada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsFui a una charreada ayer. ¿Qué crees que yo vi allí?
A young boy went to a rodeo. What do you think he saw there?
La clase de yoga
By Uma Krishnaswami, Stephanie Roth SissonLa clase de yoga
By Uma Krishnaswami, Stephanie Roth SissonView DetailsAn Indian American girl and her friends try a series of different poses in a yoga class.
La fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleLa fiesta de la piñata
By Mimi Chapra, Christy HaleView DetailsA Latino boy and his friends celebrate his birthday at a party with a traditional piñata.
La flor
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezLa flor
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsLee este libro y aprende qué necesitas para cultivar una flor linda.
With this book you can learn to plant a seed and grow a pretty flower.
La hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesLa hora de acostarse
By Barbara Newkirk, Laura Freeman HinesView DetailsAt bedtime, an African American boy finds all kinds of things to do instead of going to bed.
La hora del baño
By Lucy Malka, René King MorenoLa hora del baño
By Lucy Malka, René King MorenoView DetailsA Puerto Rican boy prepares for his nighttime bath by filling the tub with all his favorite things.
La lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-ButlerLa lluvia cae
By Christine Taylor-ButlerLa obra de Tuti
By Jan ReynoldsLa obra de Tuti
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsJoin a girl named Tuti, who lives in Bali, as she gets ready to be in a play. Learn everything she does to prepare-from practicing traditional dances to putting on a very special costume.
Las aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliLas aventuras de Pran
By Tina Athaide, Lisa CinelliView DetailsWhen the car has to go to the shop, Pran and his mother, Mrs. Patel, try a new way to get to school each day. The results are a wacky week full of misadventure!
Las formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. SenisiLas formas donde jugamos
By Ellen B. SenisiView DetailsShapes are everywhere, even where we play. In this colorfully photographed book, two children find all of the basic shapes in the equipment on their playground.
Lavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerLavado de autos
By Patricia KeelerView DetailsWhen the family car gets dirty it's time to go to the car wash. Join a young African American girl and her family on their fun-filled, suds-filled ride.
Leo y las mariposas
By Jan ReynoldsLeo y las mariposas
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet a young boy named Leo who lives in Costa Rica. Learn all of the things Leo knows about the butterflies that live in the rainforest near his home.
Lo mejor que me ha pasado
By Laura E. WilliamsLo mejor que me ha pasado
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsMeet Madison, a Chinese American girl who thinks being adopted into a great family is the best thing.
Lo que hacemos Boo y yo
By Laura E. WilliamsLo que hacemos Boo y yo
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsA young Asian American girl and her dog Boo visit with elderly people, showing how rewarding it can be to help others.
Los dibujos de David
By Cathryn FalwellLos dibujos de David
By Cathryn FalwellView DetailsIn Spanish. A shy young African American boy makes friends in school by letting his classmates help with his drawing of a bare winter tree.
Los mejores zapatos
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Michael RamirezLos mejores zapatos
By Gwendolyn Hooks, Michael RamirezLos trucos de Twister
By Francis McCallLos trucos de Twister
By Francis McCallView DetailsThree African American siblings are preparing their horse, Twister, for a horse show. Come see the tricks they teach Twister.
Luna sorpresa
By Caroline Hatton, Felicia HoshinoLuna sorpresa
By Caroline Hatton, Felicia HoshinoView DetailsOn a Fall night, a Vietnamese American boy named Nick shows his friends how to celebrate the Autumn Moon Festival, a special holiday in his father's home country. See which part of the celebration Nick likes the best.
Me veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneMe veo en el Rodeo
By Emmi S. Herman, Claire Louise MilneView DetailsOn her way to school one morning, a young Native American girl gets a taste of the rodeo adventure she daydreams about.
Mi bicicleta
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezMi bicicleta
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn bicicleta tiene muchas partes. Lee este libro para ver cuáles son.
A bicycle has many parts. Read this book to find out what they are.
Mi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonMi caballo
By Karen Hjemboe, Anthony Chee EmersonView DetailsA Pueblo boy living on a reservation in New Mexico cares for and rides his horse.
Mi cuerpo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezMi cuerpo
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsAcompañe a un niño mientras nombra y cuenta algunas de las partes de su cuerpo.
Join a young boy as he names and counts some of his body parts.
Mi escalera - Bebop
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesPaperback: $10.50 This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageMi escalera - Bebop
By Sally Derby Miller, Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsAn African American girl shares the private world of playtime on her front steps over each of the four seasons in this picture book in Spanish.
Mi escuela
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezMi escuela
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUna niña es muy feliz cuando va a su escuela. Lee por qué le encanta tanto su escuela.
One girl is very happy when she goes to school. Read about why she likes her school so much.
Mi familia
By Karen Hjemboe, Dorothy SullivanMi familia
By Karen Hjemboe, Dorothy SullivanView DetailsA Cherokee girl learns traditional skills and customs from the members of her family.
Mi mamá es pintora
By Laura E. WilliamsMi mamá es pintora
By Laura E. WilliamsView DetailsA Chinese American boy watches his mother, an artist, as she colorfully paints several things, including him!
Mis juguetes
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezMis juguetes
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie HernándezView DetailsUn niño juega con muchos juguetes. Lee y mira cuáles son los que le gustan.
A boy has many toys. Read and find out which ones he likes to play with best.
Nos encanta chapotear
By Dinah Johnson, Maria Victoria TorreyNos encanta chapotear
By Dinah Johnson, Maria Victoria TorreyView DetailsFrom the sink to the lake, a group of children have fun splashing in the water.
Papel picado
By Danell Dykstra, Josie FonsecaPapel picado
By Danell Dykstra, Josie FonsecaView DetailsThere's going to be a classroom fiesta and it's time to make decorations. See how two Latino children turn some plain colored napkins into a colorful cut paper banner.
Pescar es divertido
By Francis McCall, Paul RichardsonPescar es divertido
By Francis McCall, Paul RichardsonView DetailsTwo African American brothers go fishing with their father and discover it's not what you catch that its important, it's how much fun you have.
Rafi y Rosi ¡Carnaval!
By Lulu DelacreRafi y Rosi ¡Carnaval!
By Lulu DelacreView DetailsTwo Puerto Rican tree frog siblings learn about science and social studies topics during their adventures on their island home in this chapter book series in Spanish.
Saltar a la cuerda
By Mimi Chapra, Selina AlkoSaltar a la cuerda
By Mimi Chapra, Selina AlkoView DetailsA group of girls and boys have fun taking turns jumping rope on the playground.
Sam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioSam el silencioso
By Tabatha Jean D'Agata, Geraldo ValerioView DetailsGus is trying to teach his parrot Sam to speak, but Sam doesn't seem to be interested in learning. When Sam finally speaks, will Gus regret ever teaching him?
Santa Clos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneSanta Clos
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Sabes por dónde entra Santa Clos a una casa? ¡Lee este libro y lo sabrás!
Do you know how Santa Claus enters a house? Read this book and find out!
Siete Galletas
By Lorena Iglesias Heydenburk, Ana OchoaSiete Galletas
By Lorena Iglesias Heydenburk, Ana OchoaView DetailsA Mexican American girl and her grandfather have just finished baking cookies, and everyone in the family wants one. Follow along as the girl shares the cookies one-by-one.
Sorpresa de mudanza
By Tina Stolberg, Nicole TadgellSorpresa de mudanza
By Tina Stolberg, Nicole TadgellView DetailsAn African American boy is sad to find out that he and his family are moving, and he worries about all the changes the move will bring. After a big surprise, he learns that changes aren't always scary.
Tengo que pedirte algo
By Miriam Marx, Patricia Keeler, Francis McCallTengo que pedirte algo
By Miriam Marx, Patricia Keeler, Francis McCallView DetailsGetting ready to go outside on a chilly day, an African American girl needs to ask her mom for lots of help-from finding her gloves to opening the heavy door. After all this help, she gives her mom a very special "thank you."
Tocamos Música
By Dolores JohnsonTocamos Música
By Dolores JohnsonView DetailsIt's a celebration of sound when a group of neighborhood children gather on a stoop to play their instruments.
Todas tenemos trenzas
By Adjoa J. BurrowesTodas tenemos trenzas
By Adjoa J. BurrowesView DetailsA celebration of the many different ways a multiracial group of seven friends braid their hair.
Tortillas de barro
By Barbara M. Flores, Michael RamirezTortillas de barro
By Barbara M. Flores, Michael RamirezView DetailsSee what kind of mischief two Latino sisters get into when they decide to make their own tortillas-out of mud!
Un día especial
By Anne Sibley O'BrienUn día especial
By Anne Sibley O'BrienView DetailsA Korean American girl is celebrating her grandfather's 60th birthday, a Korean tradition. See the special clothing, foods, and customs that make this a special day.
Un diente suelto
By Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney, Shane W. EvansUn diente suelto
By Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney, Shane W. EvansView DetailsAn African American girl wonders throughout the week when her loose front tooth will come out.
Una boda
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezUna boda
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Michael RamirezView DetailsLas bodas son celebraciones bonitas. ¿Qué puedes ver en una boda?
Have you ever been to a wedding? This book tells you some of the things you will see there.
Una cabra en la ciudad
By Phillis Gershator, Wellington D. SadlerUna cabra en la ciudad
By Phillis Gershator, Wellington D. SadlerView DetailsChaos ensues when a goat shows up in the middle of a Caribbean town. Luckily our young narrator knows just what to do to save the day.
Una ensalada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneUna ensalada
By Elena Castro, Barbara M. Flores, Eddie Hernández, Mary Ramírez-GreeneView Details¿Te gusta la ensalada? Lee este libro y aprende cómo hacer una ensalada. ¡Mmmm!
Do you like salad? This book shows you how to make a delicious salad. Mmmm!
Vamos a hacer tacos
By Carla GolembeVamos a hacer tacos
By Carla GolembeView DetailsA Mexican American boy and his father spend time together making tacos, and eating them!
Vivo en un iglú
By Jan ReynoldsVivo en un iglú
By Jan ReynoldsView DetailsMeet a young Inuit girl and her family. Learn why they sometimes live in an igloo and what life in an igloo is like.
Yo juego fútbol
By Mary Cappellini, George CrespoYo juego fútbol
By Mary Cappellini, George CrespoView DetailsA Latina girl scores a goal in an after-school game of soccer with her friends.
Yo tenía un hipopótamo - Bebop
By Hector Viveros LeeYo tenía un hipopótamo - Bebop
By Hector Viveros LeeView DetailsInspired by his box of animal crackers, a Latino boy daydreams about the exotic animals he would give to his family and friends.
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