
Fernando's Gift / El regalo de Fernando

By Douglas Keister

Paperback: forthcoming

Learn about all the wonders and gifts of the rain forest of Costa Rica through the eyes of Fernando and his family.

Deep in the rain forest of Costa Rica, a boy named Fernando lives with his family in the tin-roofed house that his father built. He can pick bananas right off the tree outside his door, and go swimming or fishing in the cool river nearby. Like his father and grandfather before him, Fernando has come to treasure the wonders of the lush tropical land that his family calls home. But when he and his friend Camina look for her favorite climbing tree and find it cut down, Fernando learns that not everyone has respect for his beautiful forest.This gentle tale told in both English and Spanish, shares a small snapshot of a family living among nature. Like Fernando, readers will feel a new appreciation for the beauty and bounty of the precious, delicately balanced environment that is the rain forest.

About the Creators

Thumb_anon Douglas Keister - Author

Douglas Keister is a photographer and writer who has authored and coauthored over forty critically acclaimed books. He also contributes photographs and essays to dozens of magazines, newspapers, books, calendars, posters, and greeting cards worldwide. You can learn more about him at